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Posts posted by RobbieMilburn

  1. Wen iz dis comin out? Really though, curious if it will be a month or a year, but I must agree everytime I get on here when there is a new comment it's a new guy with his first post asking when this is coming out. Very annoying. And, I DON'T know the rules...I just use common sense.

  2. Well, last time you changed it three times. I apologize for overlooking the topic because I just read FUN RUN AT TAMPA 2011 and looked in here for more info. Also, be a little less rude next time. I will admit my question was pretty stupid buuuuuuut no reason to be rude. I apologize for my mistake though. lol

  3. Hacking computers is a whole different story...HOWEVER, from what I've read It isn't necessarily proven the person who first leaked it wasn't a "trusted beta tester" or whatever... Then again, I'm extremely behind on things since I joined in March, and haven't been real active here as you can tell.

  4. I'm sorry, but why is it a huge deal that trucks were leaked to a handful or maybe up to 10 or so people? I mean it will be released in time to everyone anyway, except on a more advanced level. I don't know...Chastise me if you wish, I just don't get it. With that being said i DO appreciate everything the V4 team is doing and I personally can't wait to drive the trucks in the pack myself.

  5. I was just saying it's not bad to ask occasionally. And I think it's funny people act like they work on this nonstop and taking 5 mins to answer a question slows it down lol. But yeah I can't imagine the amount of work that goes into this I mean V3 is incredible and V4 is going to have even more updates. Saying I appreciate it is an understatement!

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  6. Why would asking about it slow down production? And, I'm new so I just sit and wait, I just remember in the MTM2 days things were started and then dropped frequently so theres nothing wrong with asking occasionally. However, I will say I am very very excited. Keep up the good work V4Crew!

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  7. Just saying, they's a good rep of 2011 XXX but the 2012 XXX has more of a purple tint to it. Anyway, everything looks GREAT and I'm looking forward to it! I hope Mountaineer pops out somewhere(if someone isn't already working on it, I havent even looked...I'm a newb.)

    ***EDIT*** I see Mountaineer is going to be in the new pack! WOOOOO. lol

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