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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. 3 minutes ago, Aeris Syrius said:

    Yes, but I guess I should watch it again for a refresher. Thanks.

    Well, you need to recalculate the normals on the chassis to fix it, but if that's happening when you join other props together, then that probably means you didn't do something right when applying the mirror modifiers/joining the chassis together.

  2. 1 hour ago, Aeris Syrius said:

    The only problems are that 1) I'm stupid and need to find a tutorial on how to bake stuff 2) This happens:

    It happens when I attach the headers and join the meshes.

    Did you watch Kozak's video that he included in his chassis pack on what you are supposed to do before adding props?

  3. 23 minutes ago, Aeris Syrius said:

    Gotta rebuild the chassis from scratch because the headers aren't working correctly. Not releasing for a few days.

    You have to unwrap them in edit mode, and either find a texture or Project From View and bake them. 

  4. So I'm helping TheCrypticMessenger with his truck, "Fyre Within", and I made a video for some reason. Yeah the chassis components are blue because I robbed everything from Danny's Mopar Magic, and haven't re exported stuff in the new color.


  5. 1 hour ago, Commander said:


    I've tried extracting a .zip file using WinRAR to my packs folder where my V4 pack is.

    I've tried opening the .zip with WinRAR and dragging all of the files directly to the V4 pack aswell.

    When I do this, either there are missing parts on the monster truck, or the sounds do not work, or ROR crashes completely.

    If you suggest getting Beau's soundpack to fix the sound issue, please explain how I install that.


    Any help would be appreciated.

    You have to clear and regen the cache after you install them, and before you use them.

  6. You have to either put these in your Blender installation directory, or in your AppData files, depending on how you installed blender. If you don't have Blender installed from the installation directory, I recommend uninstalling Blender, redownloading it, and when installing, choose the bubble that says installation directory in the install window. Then all you have to do is extract the zip into:   User/C:orD:/Program Files/Blender Foundation/Blender/.blender/scripts

    And you don't "open" meshes per say, you import them into Blender by converting them into an XML using OgreXMLConverter which is found in your Rigs of Rods program files. I recommend creating a shortcut of that somewhere like the desktop, and then you drag the mesh into the converter which creates an XML of the mesh, and then you can import the mesh into Blender, using the zip that I linked above.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Dalton Erkenbrecher said:

    i did, And thats what happened. Those are Get-er-done.

    Well then. It might be because your body and chassis are separate meshes, or you have the body mesh on the lines designed for the chassis, and the chassis mesh on the lines designed for the body. Or the Get Er Done body and chassis weren't exported at dead zero in blender.

    28,25,9, .62, 0.5, 0.65, 0, -90, 0, FyreWithinMain.mesh

    In this section of the .truck file, the ".62" moves the mesh along the x axis, or front to back. The higher the number, the farther back, the lower the number, the farther forward. The "0.5" moves the mesh along the Y axis, or left to right, but if you zero everything out in Blender, this most of the time comes out completely accurate. And the "0.65" moves the mesh up and down, or on the Z axis. The higher the number, the lower the mesh, the lower the number, the higher the mesh. Just play with it a little bit. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Dalton Erkenbrecher said:


    This happened, lol.

    Then your alignment numbers in your .truck file are way off. Someone must have adjusted them when they didn't export the meshes with them dead zero in blender. Find a stock V4 truck's set of numbers and copy them over.

  9. 1 hour ago, Dalton Erkenbrecher said:

    Personally, Id like a tutorial on lining things up. thats the only reason I wont make trucks, nothing lines up. 

    As in lining stuff up ingame?



    Before exporting, you just need to have the Location X, Y, and Z, the Rotation X, Y, and Z and the Median X, Y, and Z zeroed out. This puts the mesh dead center in the x y and z axis, and when you export it, it will line up very close if not perfectly ingame. 

  10. The 750ti itself doesn't require 300 watts, that's an estimated guess for the card with the rest of the components combined. I would be better safe than sorry, and get something 400 or 450 watt, since your parts are significantly older than what the estimation is geared towards. 

    And at that, I would also start thinking about an upgrade all together. There are i5 2400's on eBay going for very cheap right now, and while it's already 2 generations old, it would be a huge performance gain over what you have currently. Yes they are non overclockable, but the performance gain would be unbelievable.





    I know that Kozak (Outlawed) has a 2500k but can't overclock it because he purchased a non overclocking motherboard, and has a 660ti, and does just fine with it.

    Matt (SealedGecko) is also still on this generation of processor.

  11. It's a poor port (say that 5 times fast) of the mobile game. They advertised the PC version as being so much better in aesthetics and performance, but put out absolutely no effort in making it any better than the mobile versions. They're lazy, so I really don't feel sorry for them.

  12. 3 minutes ago, rockgod88 said:

    I looked at that but there so new there's like none on ebay for now.... but I probably wont upgrade it for a wile so hopefully by then its on the bay with a lower price (cuz why not).

    I really wouldn't be looking at eBay for parts.. Cases and peripherals are one thing, but a delicate and expensive part like a GPU should really be bought brand new from a verified vendor. Being cheaper as a result of being used isn't necessarily a good thing. 

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