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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. The reason it is taking so long is because of the more detail we are going into the pack. Don't worry guys. Expect it done by this summer at least. We have very few people working on the pack right now. So we are trying our best to get it done as fast as possible.

    If you could fine time could you do some more Preview videos of the V4 Pack Im not trying to slow anything down but if you could fine time maybe
  2. Poor Old Travis Pastrana not being able to ride a motorcycle since last years X games and this year gets slammed into the wall on the first lap of the fourth heat in rally car

  3. He is probably saving it for Best Trick.

    No Im sorry he tried it on Moto X Best Trick he tried it the first time but failed but then didnt make his second run
  4. Standard Roundy Round for racing and all the necessary obstacles that were there at the actual show, but the be all end all is the ramp that Tom Meents in the Special Stunt Maximum Destruction truck tried the double backflip. I would prefer it if the ramp was on both racing and freestyle so I don't have to pick and choose which one since they were an original part of the track and not added later. Here: www.monsterjam.com/PhotoGallery/Album37905/Photos/page8/?url=assets/0/86/636/21fe/7628-07ef-438e-bb8b-67bf801898c2.jpg

  5. the new people who get on for their 1st time and see v4 and immediately asking when it's coming out...

    If you mean who directly it was mjfan34....

    Yeah thats why RockCrwlr stopped making his WF Pack because of some impatient people who annoyed him so much he decided to quit the pack
  6. Yes I'm using .37, and everything works now. If I clear/regen cache in the program it crasher, so I just go to my chache shortcut, delete them, empty recyle bin once in a while and it works everytime.

    Hey guys! Did you know that if you clear/Regen chache everytime, it works everytime lol! Trollolol i figured it out excpept the sideways bodies, which is a common issue anyway so... lol on that! Thanks dman24, you helped alot. Greatly appriciated! :-)

    Well if your Max D body is sideways and your Avenger body is messed up then download the Avenger and MaxD update from here
  7. this is my 2nd track that I'm currently working on it is similar to the other one but will have a r and fs course this time and i tried my best to make the step up better this time but it ended up being a bit different too but i think it will not really matter but do u think this one is better so far? bandicam%25202012-06-20%252023-01-58-110.jpg

    I think it looks fine!

    keep up the good work

  8. Actually i didnt get it in time. srry. oh well rocks is gonna be way better than this schetchup. just have tu wait. until July i guess. actually I am looking for liquids old atlanta georgia dome. yu have it, or know anyone who has it?

    OK I have it would you care to have it through AIM? Its pretty crappy though
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