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Everything posted by RecklessChannel2

  1. This truck is the yellow one that steve smith drove at cowboys stadium.
  2. Hey guys why is Andrew Peckham driving for bounty hunter 4x4 instead of m2d camo thunder?
  3. This truck is the one that larry swim used to drive for paul shafer motorsports. The most memorable time that he drove it was at the paul shafer motorsport open house the year of the 35th anniversary of bigfoot. Check it out on themonsterblog.com in the events tracker.
  4. This is the truck that team scream ran at Miami 2012 with Jeff Anderson. I think it would be pretty different. And the megabite truck is also a team sceam alternate truck. If you get on their website, theirs a virtual picture for skin creators.
  5. They should add the new Wrongway Rick truck that Rick Swanson (Obsession Racing) now owns and operates. Its a replica of Backwards Bob.
  6. They should add California Kid because its a really cool truck and the only trucks like it are Rockstar, Deal Breaker, and Misbehavin'
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