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Nick Migues

Industry Verified
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Status Updates posted by Nick Migues

  1. why do we need statuses

  2. Twister has been born.. Thanks to Gabe Lee

  3. Requesting a truck.. hope someone helps me out.

  4. Requesting a truck.. hope someone helps me out.


  6. Looking For A League, Dunno Which I should run in Tho..

  7. Soo I Made Bustin Loose.. But Its A reskinned Ragin steel, And According To Lookey it Cant Be Cloned Correctly To Upload here :/

  8. V5 Looking Great So Far Judging By The LOC Posted. Keep It Guys!

  9. :/ It Said I Cant Upload My Truck D:

  10. WOO!! Got V4 working! Nice job to all who worked on it, Ive only driven a few trucks but from what ive seen me driving and others, They look good.

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