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Posts posted by SealedGecko


      1. Rendering Device- Not much here, but if you have more than one video card, make sure this is set to the superior one. This is also found in the “Render System” section of the config.


    The rendering device is which monitor for people with multiple monitors, it's best to use the one with the highest resolution.



    Only reason the cards are different is I run my main monitor on GPU and my secondary monitor on my motherboard to get better FPS.

    • Upvote 2
  2. It's not V5, it's V4.5, everything he has been sending around has been released or is an old model that was replaced.



    Who are you and how did you get past the retard filter? V5 never existed. Have fun with the nothing you received.

    V5 briefly existed, probably got about 1% done and was canceled.




    Gonna lock this one up.

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