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Trenton Ray

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Posts posted by Trenton Ray

  1. I have not quit working on Project Monster; AKA MTM3. I closed my site and I am trying to decide on a new domain name. Once I have a site again I will start posting regular updates. I've been unable to work on Project Monster for the last 3 weeks as I was out of town. But let it be know great strides are being made. I've really dug deep into the ROR source code and I'm learning a lot and have even started writing the game. I think I am going to use the interface from MFR (Monster Freestyle Racing) The game that "never made it" anyways, hopefully they let this post slide and once I do get a new site up and running, I can put it in my signature. Keep on truckin'.



    May I ask what this game will have to offer once its done? As in single and multiplayer activitys
  2. This event will contain the following:

    1.Monster truck racing

    2.Monster truck timed course

    3.Tough truck timed course

    4.Tough truck freestyle

    Rules: during monster truck racing and TC if you hit the wall HARD you will be done so be careful

    If you hit the walls in tough truck TC you will be able to straighten the truck back up

    During tough truck freestyle each person will be given 90 seconds (no bonus) and can br scored up to 30 points

    If you roll even if it goes back on all fours you will be done

    Sign ups

    Name: Trenton Ray

    Aim/Skype: owned1.5631@google.com,trenton.ray3

    Monster truck: barbarian (link im not v4)

    Tough truck: yota (link to the truck)

    Aim chat will go up AROUND: 6:30 CT and will close after the event is over

    Skype call will be open to who ever wants to be in it


    Trenton Ray: Monster truck: barbarian, Tough truck: yota (http://www.rigsofrods.com/repository/download/1643)

    Hope to see ya guys join :)

  3. Bravo jose nice story this is turning out to be a pretty good thead IMO. I realy consider myself lucky to be given a couple of warnings rather than being banned instantly I made sone realy bad mistakes early in my sim monsters time. I just thank the staff for giving me chances

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