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Posts posted by Voth

  1. Just finished painting this up for Wilkinson, but it'll be awhile before it's released; Matt has some things he needs to redo on it. But with that being said, another one bites the dust; onto the next project.


    I don't usually comment on anything but that's badass

  2. lol

    I sent the original to Tharindu, not sure what happened after that, but hey I get it, you dont like me being better than you. Someone took it to far and tried to set me up. Eh its whatever. I'm on to bigger and better things now. You don't see me banned from JACK do you? hmm must have not been true.

    Hahaha are you kidding? I could care less if you're better than me! I'll admit it, I suck at the game now. If someone set you up, then they set you up, but from what I heard your truck file was hacked. If it was me and I was accused of hacking but I actually wasn't, there would be no reason for me to even leave the league. If I'm not hacking, why leave? And if I recall, you quit SSRS so I guess we're in the same boat in terms of competing. 

  3. And where the heck is edgy introvert coming from? I've never talked to Voth, John Dough, Marcus, or anyone else that's been called that, but that is just plain rude and offensive. And I don't see any of them being introverted. Everyone needs to get along and drop old things and be friends and let the site be a place for fun competition, not a place where topics like this have to brought up because someone is feeling mistreated. 



  4. There are quite a few people who didn't find rutgate funny, at all.


    Do you actually even have proof he hacked other than just you making people believe that he did?


    Chadwick "decided" you weren't welcome because when you subbed for a driver in Season 1, you drove the truck full speed into a wall.


    Some of the other things you and your group find humorous, others trying to run a successful event find disruptive and rude. 


    We can, and are allowed to, have our differing opinions on how we feel about a consistently disruptive group of members.


    Just because we watch youtube videos makes us immature? Okay.


    There are more details to basically every point you brought up that you left out, most likely on purpose, to seem more correct. Most of the stuff you guys did that you found funny, most of us in the group you like to refer to, didn't. 


    You used to act completely differently, and I don't see how you slid from one end of the scale to the complete other end so quickly. I can feel however I want to about the situation, as can anyone else. I don't like the things your group finds funny/amusing. I don't like the fake personalities you portray during your time here. I don't actually know you so I don't dislike you as a person, just the way you act once you bring yourself to the online side of your life. You and your friends feel about me however you want, in the same way that our views of your actions are quite different than yours.


    Another thing that you guys took too seriously. We posted ruts, they got deleted. Don't know how it could ruin someone's day.


    Yeah there's a truck file he sent out.


    Almost forgot about that. Being that I was a total noob and it was one of my first events ever, I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't even know it was a budget league.


    Didn't say you had to like us, I'm saying we are treated differently in events because we aren't your friends. You can deny it all you want, but it's proven time and time again. It could be simply how long it takes for someone to ready up, to posting stuff in the AIM chat, like what just happened.


    Not my point. I watch youtube videos too. It's the fact that you can watch videos just as dumb as my jokes, but when I make the jokes it's a big no-no.


    You say that I'm leaving stuff out, but fail to mention anything I left out. So I assume you're just saying that and there isn't really anything.


    I never acted any different. Just because I used to formally AIM you and ask you for something or advice for racing or whatnot doesn't mean I changed from that. Back then I thought it was really important to make friends with the "higher-ups" in simmonsters. Don't know why, but that's what I felt like. I'm sure a lot of people new on the site did that too. None of it is a fake personality, I would be the same way in real life. Don't know how you'd know that considering we've never talked in real life.

    • Upvote 4
  5. I know I'm not really involved or mentioned int he post,but I wanted to comment about one thing. You brought up a few valid points, but then towards the end you just started insulting people, which isn't really the best thing to do if you want to get your point across.


    I'll just retreat back to hating this entire situation, and trying to be friends with everyone.

    I'm glad you're trying to be neutral, but I don't know where your reading these 'insults'

  6. As of late I'm unsure of whether or not you will reply to this without being as sarcastic and biased as possible. If it gets removed before anyone actually gets a chance to see it, then I'll know how poor you guys really are at sorting things out. But I'll give this a shot anyways. I'm gonna let all of this out right now so hopefully you understand. I'd like to start with what JUST happened, since my threads generally get locked too quick for anyone to understand the point I'm trying to get across. A group of people in Teamspeak: Danny, Aaron, Mark, Devin, Julio, Johan, Jack, Chadwick, and apparantly Kozak like to be unfair with how they run things. Whether it's leagues, servers, or the site, there is a very biased opinion. This is mostly directed towards Yovany, Marcus, John, Blair, Tharindu and I. And it's ironic how the person they give the most leeway to is Tharindu because he used to talk to the people in teamspeak all the time. More and more they get mad at him for "messing up streams" ever since he started talking to us. It's also slightly offensive but also kind of ironic that we were called "edgy introverts". The only reason I would be considered an introvert is because I've been banned from the teamspeak server and multiple leagues for doing the same thing Johan did in the last SSRS event. And if you meant in real life, I can assure you we're all doing just fine. Except maybe Yovany, he doesn't really have any friends.


    Now let me address all of your arguments before you can repeat them.


    -Don't mention rutgate, that was funny and you know it. I guess if you don't have a sense of humor, which it seems like most of you don't, than your life must really suck. Not only that, but it wasn't just my group that was apart of it. If you actually look back, it was quite a few random people from the site that our little group in teamspeak wouldn't have a problem with.


    -About Kozak's earlier post, don't even try to bring Zonar into this. Maybe you didn't actually look into details but not only did he ACTUALLY hack his truck, but he also kept denying it and eventually LEFT a league. Now tell me, if he didn't actually hack, then why would he leave a league where he was always top qualifier and say he was bullied into leaving.


    -My SMRA ban had nothing to do with my site ban so don't even give me that. I was banned from that beforehand by Chadwick who, out of nowhere, just randomly decided I wasn't welcome in that league. 


    -You guys talk about how my little group of edgy introverts is always being disrespectful and rude, but apparently you forgot about some of your own members. Jeremy Hall was a new member during the preseason, he was still very new to the game and was learning the rules, he joined the server to race and was a bit slow getting in, Aaron showed no patience when he was lining up for his race, threatening to give him a DNF if he didn't line up fast enough. But if one of your friends took awhile, you might drop the race or give him more time. Devin was also sour when Tharindu used a randomized order for qualifying, he was ripping on Jeremy because he was in the racing bracket while he himself was in the obstacle course. And don't forget all the times in teamspeak when people would say the N word while Blair was there. Or how often you guys are sarcastic towards new people and give them no time to get used to the forums or events. 


    -Yes the dog I posted was wrong, but you never thought for one second you might have went even a little bit overboard? Months later when Yovany, Marcus, and I apologized to Kozak and Danny, Kozak said how we could have messaged him the whole time. Weird because he had Yovany and I blocked, and never replied to Marcus when he did AIM him. 


    -Let's talk about Yovany and I joining SSRS AIM chats after we got banned. First of all, it was funny seeing the reactions from everybody when we joined. And second, we never actually posted anything bad once we joined. The events were only slowed down because Danny got mad over nothing. Everyone else didn't care we were there, some not even realizing we had been banned. 


    -You guys always think we're so weird and insulting and no one could possibly like us, but yet we can get along with Cannon and Fern just fine in skype. And they're neutral about the situation unlike you guys, so at least they'll listen to us. 


    -Every single reply you guys give me is talking about how the edgy introverts and I take it too far or how we are immature, yet you guys can sit there and watch hours of dumb youtube videos with no meaning. Sorry for having a sense of humor outside of instasynch. 



    So if you actually bothered to read what I had to say than good for you, but you probably didn't because you just don't like me. Which frankly I don't care, you guys just need to realize that people other than you have opinions or even facts that you choose to ignore. The people on the site that don't talk to either of our groups and don't know the full story of any of this, might just think that I'm the immature kid they make me out to be. But that's a biased opinion and so is this so who knows. 

    • Upvote 10
  7. Or maybe because Kozak isn't/hasn't been around to find out what happened? How do you know that Johan won't be banned from other leagues, or have a vacation from the site?


    You are jumping to conclusions literally less that 24 hours after said event. If you don't care, then why the need to make a public thread to address the matter? Why not just go to Kozak himself and cry to him?

    24 hours? Why would I need to wait that long? As I recall I was banned from the site and the league permanently the same night because Danny went crying to Kozak as many people do when they can't handle something themselves. I didn't say I didn't care about the matter. I don't care about getting banned, which again wasn't the point of the thread. It was to prove my point that your little group in teamspeak handles it differently than someone who was unbiased. Cry to Kozak? I don't need him as some sort of backup for my argument. He has nothing to do with it and honestly I feel bad he has to deal with all of this. You think that I'm the one bringing it up but only because you guys are constantly unfair. I literally don't care about the actual bannings, and I'm not saying Johan should get banned from the site. I'm asking why we were treated differently for doing basically the same thing.


    And I still haven't gotten a straight answer. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. You are just a moron for this. Just say my name instead of trying to be smart?  Someone, not gonna name names because I wouldn't wanna put Johan on the spot, 

    And second of all, last time I checked you posted a graphic photo of a dead dog, without warning, nor to any sort of reason.

    Now, I did the same, but I did give warning, and it wasn't a gory video, Yes I messed up, Yes there wasn't a point in putting the video. But i told people what it was before posting it. I thought it was ok, but I was told by danny, no, and he told me i wasn't allowed to run, and I didn't fight him, I agreed and so went on.

    I know i messed for posting the video as I shouldn't have, I already apologized and got everything sorted out.

    I don't mind getting banned, I know what i did was wrong, and I can face the consequences.


    A moron for having a sense of humor? Let's be real everyone knew you posted it.

    Second of all, just like John said, something dying on screen is still worse than something already dead.

    A warning? Wow that warning sure worked well when everyone clicked on it and was sickened by it. I didn't see the warning but clearly it wasn't obvious enough. 

    You still only got banned from one event, I got banned from the league and eventually the site. 


    You think I mind getting banned? That wasn't the point at all. It was about how someone who's friends with the league owners gets less of a punishment than someone who they dislike. If I was to post that, you know I would've been banned from the site again. Also, if you couldn't tell by my original post, this wasn't even directed towards you. Only a "moron" wouldn't be able to tell that... 

    • Upvote 2
  9. I usually don't care enough to make threads or post anything serious at all, but something pretty interesting happened yesterday. Someone, not gonna name names because I wouldn't wanna put Johan on the spot, posted a video of a cat jumping off a building and dying. You probably know that I wouldn't find this video disturbing considering what I posted before, but I find it funny that someone who posted something worse than me gets kicked out of one event, while I get banned from two leagues and eventually the site for about 4 months. Don't get me wrong I don't give a sh!t about SSRS, I'm only posting this to let you know that I was right. Someone who you guys are friends with would not receive the same punishment that I did. 


    This'll probably get deleted before anyone of any importance actually sees it, but I'm just letting you know :)

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