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Posts posted by mdemko

  1. So as some of you might know, my wife was in a car accident 3 years ago that caused her to lose her right leg above the knee. As a result of the accident, she has had numerous surgeries on her left foot and ankle to repair the damage caused in the accident, that have been been unsuccessful. She was given two options by her primary physician; either continue to have surgeries and risk losing even more functionality of her left leg, or amputate below the knee. She has been sitting on this decision for sometime now. I never post asking for prayers because I personally don't believe in a higher power, but that is sort of what I'm doing. In 45 days, 9/12/25, my wife will be going in for surgery to have her other leg amputated below the knee, making her a double amputee. My family is going through some hard times right now and my wife is in a bad way. If yall could keep her and my family in your thought, we would greatly appreciate it.

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