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Posts posted by mdemko

  1. ALSO...im running a gtx620. on normal settings, the game runs very smooth, even online with a ton of people in a server. How ever recommended settings for the game, and according to Rockstar, you only need a 660. not bad.

  2. But if you haven't been looking at the news, every day Christians and other religions are being persecuted and even killed for what they believe in

    Have you noticed its only religious groups killing each other? Mindless violence just because someone elses god is different that theirs. This Is why I find religion repulsive. You don't see a group of atheists killing other people because they have different beliefs.
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  3. You are basically persecuting Christians because of a few that you must've had a bad experience and I must say it really is wrong and that is why we have such a sour reputation because of those few people.

    Show me where I said all Christians are terrible people. How am I percecuting anybody By stating that a few asshats cause me to hate said asshats? And what bad experience have I had? I'm an atheist because I NEVER bought into the bullsh*t, from the moment I was able to think for myself. Not because some douche nozzle rubbed me the wrong way. This is another thing. Why do yall feel like yall are always being persecuted when someone states their opinion about how they think that religion is bullsh*t, and that there is no higher power?

  4. Hey we didn't say ALL Christians. I cant speak on behalf of Matt but I certainly don't think that.

    this. I know a lot of good, warm hearted religious people. It's the few assholes that ruin it for everybody.

    Let me clarify something here. I grew up in a catholic household and went to church every Sunday until I was 16. I know my damn bible and Christian history very well. I just never bought into religion or God for that matter. The evidence just isn't there for me. The whole world being created in 7 days thing? Moses parting the Red Sea? Noah's arch? Jesus healing a blind man? Never bought it. What most people don't understand is that a lot of those stories are perabols meant to teach people life lessons and what not. It's the radicals who take every word literally that piss me off. Those are the ones that usually do the persecuting and all that jazz. F*ck them.

  5. Second, Christians do not deny human rights,The only times that has occurred was the old testament, before the life of Christ. We are to love others as our own despite color, race, straight, gay, Islamist, racist, or atheist.

    Indiana's Religious freedom restoration act.
  6. Just today while the wife, child and I were visiting my parents for this so called holiday my dad brings up a Muslim guy from work in conversation, and my mom begins to explain why she doesn't like Muslims because the persecute Christians. Oh the irony. Yet Christians persecute homosexuals, unwed mothers, and every other religion. Hypocrites.

  7. Religion offends me. A bunch of self righteous do gooders who think you are wrong and going to hell just because you have a different point of view. Poeple who refuse to concider overwhelming evidence in favor of undocumented feel good stories that they think actually happened and use it as an excuse to percecute and deny human brings of basic rights offend and disgusts me.

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