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Posts posted by Sonuvadiggerrocks

  1. You must be all about pushing our buttons today. Never ask a creator when they will release their creations. They have the right to release it or not, and you need to be patient.  Gees, you are really being respectful today.

    I'm still new so I'm sorry for this. And I made an appology on what I posted today i didn't want it to turn out the way it did. I'm still new so forgive me for making you mad, I'm trying my best as I can to not say hurtful things to you guys.
  2. I known I shoudnt have even brought this topic up. I didn't won't this turn out like some big argument. And I wasn't calling your work pointless you guys do great work I said that some one that knows how to add smoke effects give it a shot. That why I said some one from ror forum because I didn't know if any of you guys knew how to do that. But I'm telling you the truth I dudnt mean to make any of you mad so im sorry if affected you and made your work sound like it was pointless. I didn't mean for any of this to sound bad and I'm sorry if you got mad at me.

  3. Well the way that everyone was talking mark made it seem like that no one would give it a try. So I thought that since none of these guys would give it a try then somebody else would do it. I can see were you thinks it is insulting I do have respect for you guys who make the trucks and you do a good job. To me it seemed like nobody was attest going to give it a try so that why I said that.

  4. Being a rigs of rods fan and that I drive cars to in the game I found that the monster truck may be lacking some features. First of all the trucks don't have exhaust smoke. Now I belive if we added that it would make it seem realstic. Also the trucks don't break,I know there are breakbles but those are still unrealistic. It would be cool to have trucks were the tires come off and like the engine can catch on fire which I have seen happen on a car. Also this just for trucks that have head lights and stuff in real life like grave digger,these trucks should have lights that turn on to make them more realstic. I know this would take a lot of work but in the end it would be really cool

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