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Posts posted by BSciro

  1. Speaking as one of the guys who supposedly "ruined" World Finals 16 and 17, let me provide my input:


    The fan scoring now, I think, prevents that whole shabang of "So-and-So should have won and the fan judges blew it!".  MJ has always kinda promoted the idea of keeping the fan interaction involved with the "judging" of the Freestyle competition, so that's why fans will continue to be factored-into the decision of who wins each competition.  It's part of their shtick, so they're going to continue to roll with it.  In the end, doing this is far less controversial and it's more "fair", in a way I guess, in that it supposedly gauges the entire audience there and what they think was the most exciting run.

    If it works, it works.  If not...it's still experimental, and there's really no one to blame but themselves.  Works better than me being harassed for an entire year, I'd say~

  2. Well heyo

    Some of you might know me.  Some of you might not.  I took a bit of a break from ROR a couple years back (That was in the RORMJ-era of things, to boot), but now I'm back after I've seen some of the online leagues, fun-runs, etc and I figure I want to have a taste of all that.

    Bottom line: I've been around ROR for a while, and I'm ready to try taking it up competitively.  Because I want to have fun.



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