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Posts posted by Thargo

  1. Once upon a New Year's Eve in 2010, in a land above America, I was on YouTube dying of boredom. All of a sudden, I stumbled across a video by Liquidfire. It was Superman freestyling on the old Sam Boyd. I was in love. I immediately made an account (underage) and was immediately a pretty big noob, as can be seen here. I was allowed to stay on the site though, but all I did was post.


    When I eventually decided I wanted to get into track making, I started to make things, very BAD things, like this. Fast forward some tracks, I get into Blender, and make these, my firstsecond, third, and fourth Blender creations. First four Blender tracks ever. Pretty bad.  And then, my first replica........oh god....


    But now, I make somewhat better things, race in leagues, Co-Own a league with my friend Aaron, and have fun with all of the friends i've made on here. All in all, this site is pretty cool, and I hope it stays for a long time.

  2. Found out about the Arctic Monkeys a month ago, and really liking their music. These are a couple of my favourite songs from AM and Favourite Worst Nightmare.

  3. To be fair, he's new to the site. He probably didn't know about the whole issue regarding the pack. I don't think we should jump on everybody that posts asking about V5 because if they're new to the site, and didn't read this thread, they probably didn't know about it being cancelled.

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