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Filthy Frank

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Posts posted by Filthy Frank

  1. For the career mode type thing, there should be an in-depth cuztomization. Like, REALLY in depth.

    For example:

    1: Choose what chassis you wanna use


    • Cohen
    • CRD
    • Willman
    • PEI

    2: Chose what kind of body you wanna use

    This one I think is the most in-depth. You can choose any type of body you want, like a dump truck, school bus, semi truck, the list goes on.

    Heck, you can make your own bodies.

    3: Paint schemes

    Path of Destruction almost had this one nailed. The only difference is that you can actually put your trucks name on the truck. You couldn't do that with the custom trucks in PoD.


  2. I recently downloaded 0.4 so I can run SMRA. Right when I load up a truck, it spawns, but then the game crashes.

    I couldn't post my ROR log in this post because the website is being stupid and telling me I can only upload files that are 0.03 MB or smaller. Any help is appreciated!

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