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Posts posted by SuddenImpact

  1. I not one for requesting anything but I was poking around on youtube and ran into some old videos from MJ in Mexico back in 2010. I forgot all about the layout of this track and thought it would be pretty cool to see a straight line rythem section fs track with chicago style racing. Maybe it will inspire someone or maybe it won't but either way it's a pretty cool track that you don't see now a days.

  2. S3 sounds awesome Josh; cant wait for it to get here.

    And for the people asking for more competitors...runing 28 trucks a weekend is a lot of people. Keep in mind most, if not all of the show runners are coming from the MTM2 days of things and having anything over 12 trucks in those days was a big show no matter where you were running. My first year was NTNT S2 and we had one race that ran with 20 some competitors and we were ranting and raving on KC's forum over that. But the downside of running a show that big is it takes a LONG time to complete one event. This was before live streaming, AIM updates and all of that...if you lost round 1, 2 1/2 or maybe even 3 hours of waiting were in store for you before you got the chance to freestyle. Say you go out and do a 1 hit wonder in freestyle; you've just sat around and got a chance to drive your truck maybe 2-3 minutes in total during competition over the course of a 4 hour period?

    Now on the flipside of that coin...think about your event directors. They are doing this for the love of the game and not making any money, so running 3-4 hour shows weeks in a row just isn't feasible. It takes a lot of planning to pull one of these shows off successfully without having any problems as far as hosts and getting people in and out of game quick enough. I've been there, I've done it before and towards the end of the season, it really starts to wear down on you.

    So to make a long story short; if you want more trucks to be present at these events, volunteer your services and present some options to the event directors rather than saying i should just be there.

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  3. Overall it was a fun event. Thank you to everyone BTS who put it together and also made it happen. I know how frustrating it can be to run an event (back in my mtm2 days anyways) that is not going your way and your fighting yourself to call it quits but I personally thank you for sticking through it and trucking on. Freestyle was a blast to watch as a spectator and we wouldn't have been able to see that happen if we ended early. So again thank you to everyone who put this show on; Even though I didn't win anything, I had fun and that's all that matters.

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