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Posts posted by mjkproductions

  1. I used this to help Luis Lebron and Ben when they were new

    I completely forgot about that video lol


    Why does it say it was uploaded today when it was over two years ago?

  2. the stock sounds only suit a few trucks vs the broad range of exhaust setups that trucks actually run. Gonna have your standard down sweep zoomies, upturned zoomies (digger 20, scarlet bandit), magnaflow muffler and collector (bigfoot, razin kane)

    I decided to start making sounds for all the trucks a few months back, and noticed that in the V4 folder there's tons of sound packs for most of the exhaust types, yet they were never implemented. I'm just curious, to whoever worked on the pack, why not?

  3. well you sure missed out on Underground 1/2 and Most Wanted...

    Oops, don't know why I thought Hot Pursuit 2. I meant NFS Carbon, after Carbon I noticed that it was getting bad. I never played Most Wanted, but I've played Underground.

  4. Me being a fan of NFS since I can remember

    I like this idea

    Its just a spin off of recent title "The Run"

    Do you even know how bad of a game NFS: The Run was? I used to play NFS games, but I haven't bought one since the old NFS: Hot Pursuit 2. They've just gone downhill, the game is pathetic now.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Pretty sick game..already put in too many hours this weekend streaming..  To top it off it's an xbox arcade title, I think if people gave it a chance it could've been goty material.

    I saw it on IGN, I'm absolutely amazed that they've done that on an Xbox. I didn't think something that intensive would be possible, they said there's slight lag once in a while but surprisingly not much. I might pick it up, however I rarely use my Xbox anymore.

  6. I just came here to start a thread for SpinTires... then I already saw you had made one  :(


    Just tried it out a few minutes ago, and I have to say it's incredible, if you keep going straight on the main road that you start out on, the river just looks great. I've honestly never seen a better looking game in my life. I feel like I have to donate.

  7. Im sad to think people think my work is awful. :(

    Well it's quite untimely and kind of perceived as rude to post a picture of your truck, thinking it's better right after someone posts a picture of theirs that they've clearly spent much, much more time on and looks much cleaner, and overall better.


    Not to mention that I absolutely hate when people are looking for sympathy, and looking at your past few posts you've done that a good bit.

    • Upvote 3
  8. Truck: Toxic

    AIM: monsterjamkid98

    Name: Ben Hogan

    Rank: Rookie

    Reason: Been racing and running leagues myself for years (since MTM2 days), won countless events, took a hiatus from ROR and finally have some time in the summer. Can do the music for a show if needed, or record in 1080p/edit highlights video.


    Edit: changed truck from XXX to Toxic.

  9. Ryan summed it up great, the main thing that bugs me is when people try to be funny so much that they really overdo it and end up just not being funny at all. A lot of people do this on YouTube, just please stay away from that... try playing some other games (not just the games that everyone else plays). If you change what you're doing, follow some of what Ryan said, I think you can be successful in the future..

  10. Everyone is apparently answering yet they have no idea what they're talking about.


    Look up the Zoombies mod, it's a port of DayZ to Arma 3 Alpha, nothing has been changed at all. So yes, it works perfectly. Graphics are 10x better too.

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