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Posts posted by Wambo

  1. Well, now I'm offended. First of all believing that all Christian  people are self righteous hypocrites is the same ill conceived opinion that all Islamist are all suicide bombers that want to kill everyone, it's only the extremists you ever hear about.
    Second, Christians do not deny human rights,The only times that has occurred was the old testament, before the life of Christ. We are to love others as our own despite color, race, straight, gay, Islamist, racist, or atheist. 

    Third, you can have all the evidence you want, and there is still the possibility you can be wrong, and as for undocumented, this site has a character limit.

    I have gone to church since I was eight years old, have I ever persecuted anyone about a different view, or a difference of religion, or sexual preference,or forced my religion on anyone?  I don't like to jump up and down and yell at everyone about my religion and tell everyone how much I disagree with them, but someone saying something as simple as "happy Easter" does not warrant a response like that, that's as silly as getting in a fist fight over someone saying 'Merry Christmas".(don't get me started on that)

    At the end of the day, I as a Baptist Christian believe in God, you as an atheist do not, and we live in America were it is you right to have your own beliefs, and your own views, and I respect that.

    Now that this has turned into a rant/argument thread I should stop, but I hope you and your family had a wonderful day being together.

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