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About This File

Just Get Er Done 2020

This truck was a lot of fun to put together. Always trying to improve with each project, still more to do but I'm happy with how this turned out. 

Big thanks to everyone below as always, without their work it wouldn't be done.


Blender work, paint, wiring & plumbing, wheel tethers, minor rim modifications, minor n/b edits, sway bars, shocks, butler-built head restraint, Stroud safety blankets - Myself

BKTs, Merlin Engine, Fuel Cell, Body, Magnaflow Collectors - Andrew Sheets

Merlin Engine, Fuel Cell, Radiator, Trans Coolers, Rims, Magnaflow Collectors, Fire Extinguisher - fernBurn

Node/beam setup, MSD Box - rockgod88

Working RIIs and LED Bar - Swegliner849

Shifter, Power & Fuel Switches - crazyman444

Transmission, Batteries - RockCrwlr

Chassis - Outlawed

Gauges, ISP Seat - Steele

Rear Steer Motor - dd908

Driver Model - RSDG Modding Group

RII Box, RII Lights - DanDon

Reference pictures - Zack Garner & Just Get Er Done Team

If I missed anyone let me know and I will add you!



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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

dude....great freaking job on this one. down to the details you made this truck shine. Very impressive work, & definitely a truck that was fit for a revamp!


for future projects, i suggest to brighten up your black objects just slightly. (for example, working in paint.net, the "lightness" of your black should be set to at least 10.)

This should help bring out more details in the chassis or in the sway bar arms on this particular truck.

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   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

great job as always 

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