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MonsterJam2008 last won the day on January 16 2020

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  1. I know its to late for the rule to be changed but a solution to your concerns could be dividing the score by 2 if the run doesn't last at least 30 seconds. That way trucks still get points towards the series and it becomes almost impossible for a one-hit wonder to win.
  2. I've been playing around with Linux Mint and got ROR to run. I changed the input map and all of the buttons (a,b,x,y,etc) work as expected but the joysticks don't work at all. Pressing the joystick works, since that is just another button. The joysticks work fine when playing games through steam so its not the controller or drivers. I'm thinking i'm not typing in the write command for ROR to see stick input. I pasted the relevant section of the input map below. Any suggestions are welcome. TRUCK_STEER_LEFT JoystickAxis 0 1 LOWER TRUCK_STEER_RIGHT JoystickAxis 0 1 UPPER I've tried changing the 1 to 0,2,and 3 but nothing works
  3. Freestyle Scores: Truck Score 1 Scooby Doo 9.371 2 Dragonoid 9.25 3 Whiplash 9.183 4 Monster Engergy 9.052 5 Brodozer 8.987 6 Lucas Oil Crusader 8.907 7 Megalodon 8.436 8 Mohawk Warrior 8.35 9 Son-Uva-Digger 8.337 10 Max-D (Tom) 8.203 11 Bounty Hunter 7.978 12 Monster Mutt 7.817 13 El Toro Loco 7.637 14 Grave Digger (Brown) 7.48 15 Grave Digger (Tyler) 7.244 16 Grave Digger (Vinson) 7.237 17 Max-D (Neil) 7.196 18 Grave Digger (Adam) 6.656 19 Avenger 6.399 20 Grave Digger (Kane) 6.221 21 Zombie 6.013 22 Wildflower 5.865 23 Dragon 5.237 24 Eathshaker 3.025
  4. Grave Digger seems to be the only truck that can put on a good encore. Other than WF13 and WF18 when have we had a good encore?
  5. Todd more than made up for the canceled 7 truck jump Edit: Todd got robbed
  6. Im guessing lightning is the reason? rain never stopped them before.
  7. How bad is the weather there? Will the track be to wet to get a good run in?
  8. Does anybody know if someone is going stream on facebook or periscope? https://www.pscp.tv/w/1BdGYAbyyeLGX?q=monster+jam
  9. How is the high jump going to work? Is it going to be like fmx step up where they jump over a bar? What happens when the trucks break? Tom and Todd have extra trucks but what about the indies?
  10. My prediction: 3 more drivers, 1 to jump 5 trucks then park, next driver jumps 6, the final one jumps 7.
  11. I know it's a joke but I would like to see Dennis at the World Finals. Even if its just an encore freestyle run.
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/BtrskFXBuyQ/ Was this intentional or did Ryan go to far over on a bicycle?
  13. I get an error, missing skybox file
  14. If you're sticking with the traditional Anaheim layout try setting up a jammer to jump onto/over the table top. Similar to the launch ramp they used in stadiums this past season.
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