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Sergeant Politeness

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Posts posted by Sergeant Politeness

  1. looks like Blue Thunder is not coming this year :(

    Yup, with Ford gone, FELD has swept it underneath the rug and it's probably official that it's gone now. Hopefully we'll see LeDuc in another ride next year cause he sure as hell can drive.

    And, I'm gonna get a lot of hell for this, but I honestly thought Jeremy lost a bit of his mojo after Orlando HOWEVER after seeing his performance in Syracuse, he's definitely ready for the big stage.

  2. This ain't MJ, but.....

    Top 10 reasons why Bigfoot 4 owns your soul:

    #10 He can build a snowman out of rain

    #9 Only one bomb was dropped on Japan, Nagasaki exploded from the awesomeness that is BF4

    #8 Bigfoot 4 made a man out of Bruce Lee, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Chuck Norris

    #7 MC Hammer learned the hard way that BF4 can touch this

    #6 Bigfoot 4 doesn't wait for something to happen, something waits for Bigfoot 4

    #5 On Mortal Kombat, Bigfoot 4 has no moves, it's sheer presence is a kill

    #4 Bigfoot 4 found the last digit of pi

    #3 When you insult Bigfoot 4, the next thing you see is the pearly gates

    #2 Bigfoot 4 has come here to kick @ss and chew bubble gum, and he's all out of gum

    #1 When Bigfoot 4 crosses the road, no one dares to question his motives

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