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Everything posted by redneck

  1. redneck

    Game Fail Thread

    SLRR is a nice game.i have version 2.3.0LE havent played it in a couple of months tho
  2. Ok Honestly Nascar 2011 The Game looks good.i might end up buying it.as for NR2003 i haven't played that game in years i have played the nascar games from ea they were all good except for nascar 08 and 09(atleat for ps2)nascar 09 for xbox wasnt bad tho.
  3. ok i sorta fix the multiplayer problem it still freezes and crashes on NHELEN.if anyone wants to race me just for fun let me know when and what server.
  4. thanks.i dont know if i should post this here but im having a problem playing Rigs Of Rods Multi-player.my game freezes the it comes up with an error(Fatal Network Error.dont know what to do
  5. Hello my name is Chris D i am new to sim-monsters.com but not new to ROR ive been play the game for about years just recently downloaded 30.19 and i cant play multiplayer .but anyway just thought i would introduce myself.i am a Grave Digger Fan as well as Monster Mutt Dalmation fan.i live in the northeastern part of the US.
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