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Posts posted by Andrew

  1. 9 hours ago, GuyLiner849 said:


    edit: Fixed both things, new pic of the truck

    Avenger looks really good but there are a couple things I have noticed that are not 100% accurate. Could just be me but I think your green is tad too bright and also Koehler runs a different grill paint job. Not sure if your truck has them or not but avenger also has roof flames, there are some good shots on the team scream facebook page if you need any.

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  2. Personly What kills monster jam for me is the repetitive use of the same track design and the lack of competition in my opinion. Honestly I could care less for the lack of cars, I just wish they could be a weee bit more creative with their designs and not run the same design every weekend. The other thing that kills it is the fact feld owns their own fleet of trucks to compete with each other. I'ts not like the old days when everyone owned their own equiptment and raced for money. In my eyes feld just focuses on entertainment,  not so much pure competition, if you look at many other motorsports which ones do you see being owned by a large company that ownes the entire feild of drivers and vehicles. This is why I see monster jam as source of entertainment and not so much a source of competition. Personaly I absolutly loved the old days when everyone owned their own equiptment it just gave me the feeling of true head to head competition like who had the best design, who has the most money, ext. This is another reason why I prefer indie shows rather than feld shows. By no means am I saying I dont like monster jam, because I still love seeing the wicked saves and crazy things they can pull off, I just dont see it the same way I use to.

  3. 19 hours ago, acdcfan56 said:

    I got burned out from this place a long time ago, honestly it's more on me though. But since I kept taking so many tasks that it eventually felt like more of a job then a fun hobby. Sucks I was advancing in ways I never thought would, now I can't even open blender for 30 seconds before closing it again. Join the club buddy, that makes what 5 now? Sucks but everyone is moving on

    I think these are the big guys that were on that now don't do much (could be wrong)
    Danny Mackey
    Mark Colineri
    Devin Doss
    Soon Fern haha

    Might as well add me soon, this site is so dead right now. I don't see it lasting another 2 years.

  4. Only diggers I want to see made are #1 - #7, especially #2. All these recent diggers are literally the same thing over, and over again. Geesh just think if I released an updated digger body, people would literally remake every digger that runs today's fiberglass body.

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  5. I may have mentioned my bodies but, I never once said I wanted more upvotes for my self, I'm talking about every one who puts effort into the content they make, it's sad to see so much good content that lacks upvotes, and repect. I remember when I first started making bodies I could get close to 20,or 30 upvotes, same as everyone else who made content, seems these days everyone just scrolls through. Sure comments are cool, but when you have time to type a comment shouldn't you have time to click a button. Either way both show respect, and when I find great content with no respect, it discourages me to make anything. I'm not forcing anyone to upvote anything, all I'm saying is its quite discouraging seeing the amount of upvotes we get today compared to a couple years ago

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