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Posts posted by deadgearhead

  1. i like the name, Ninja Rat Attack

    because when i think japanese ninjas, i think matte black corvette.

    so many better names. Off the top of my head, let's go for a few. Tempered Steel, Brazen Brute, Snarling Serpant, Visceral Viper, Vicarious Vision.

    those are all crap, but better then Ninja Rat attack.

    hell, it'd be just as fine nameless. Matte black is always cool

    This is the truck (car) they bought on eGay from a guy named John Gularite. It is a cool and different idea but the name is pretty lame. I'm not real hot on these teams trying to capitalize on the rat rod craze lately, and a Corvette rat rod is pretty retarded IMO. Who knows?

  2. Meh. Then we go back to the mid 2000's era where nobody even had attitude or personality. Now that wouldn't be very fun would it? Remember? NASCAR drivers were all robots then.

    There's a difference between voicing your opinion and being a outright d-bag. Nobody can deny Kyle's or Robby Gordon's talent and competitive nature, but it's hard to be a fan of someone if they're a huge crybaby or a bully on the track.

  3. wheelbase issue fixed and chassis cradle updated to some photos that have surfaced on the teams facebook page:

    Ah Western Renegade. Took me a while to figure it out without asking the dumb question lol.

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