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Everything posted by Dantesinferno52

  1. Finnally we have one of these. Anyway the Heat are my favourite but they are not going to win the championship. Any team can cause practically all of them are doing good, hell even the bobcats have a win over the Lakers
  2. Oh Derp okay sorry for the confusion.
  3. Just wondering where Sudden Impact and Shock Therapy isnt in the Fs standings or racing...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nE3qE-IPKo I really am a fan of Rap and everything to do with it but i really think this song is catchy.
  5. Charlie and CVH do a little encore and it made me speechless. And Tom doing what he does.
  6. And he also tried to act like you. He tried to talk in your very unique language and said you, Justin, Rock, Mark, Kozak and others all helped him beta tests his Breakables.
  7. do they also use the pen tool for many tracks or is it just trucks?
  8. Besides ROR i play football, basketball, listen to music and chilling.
  9. I have been on the bad end of this stick and I have numerous message of him saying that he had Harlow's work and he doesn't only do this here but in halo reach as well. But I must point out that Simon Holcomb is a real person that this Anthony kid is trying to take the identity of. He is just sad and wants attention as always.
  10. For a minute there I showed enough compassion to click on this...never again.
  11. http://www.mediafire.com/?6k0czwg035pqzsp Okay one of my friends helped me find the problems and I did some very silly mistakes :/. Anyway i must give MJfanatic3 credit for recloning it for me, so hope it is right.
  12. I would just like to point out that if you don't want to be criticized, then why criticize. Another thing maybe if you showed your projects people could help you with them and instead of you assuming all they would do is say it looks awful. Not everyone became good with track making and painting without a little hardcore criticism.
  13. im really sorry about this. I really wanted to upload this truck, but can an admin delete this and the download plz cause it makes no sense having them take up space. I will make it up sometime, sorry again.
  14. did you get the one that i just put here cause i downloaded it and it worked fine.
  15. I was wondering why Springfield was changed. I was suppose to be in week 2 but im not.
  16. im uploading a new version, I am really sorry that i didnt notice it before. Edit: here is the updated version please download http://www.mediafire.com/?2ei9o8v9l532vrw
  17. They honestly need to put Chad Tingler in Scooby Doo. Looking at the horrilbe crash she took is making me think she will be a liability in Vegas IMO. also does anyone else think that Courtney Jolly should come back and drive Madusa?
  18. I Was just wondering if everyone downloaded the truck fine?
  19. File Name: Red Thunder File Submitter: Dantesinferno52 File Submitted: 23 Feb 2013 File Category: V4 Customs Well here is my first re painted truck . No i did not make the design, but Justin Olander made the design all I did was convert to v4. I plan to do alot more track and truck making cause it is rather relaxing...well most of the time; anyway here are the credits: Body: Sm v4 pack makers Design: Justin Olander and I must thank Chris Hamilton for helping me with creating my first baked body it helped a whole lot. and I must thank anyone else who did work on the truck. Click here to download this file
  20. here is just a basic overview of what blender can do, it is very powerful use the force wisely.
  21. no i painted the base mat black. i just used textures from the old v3 truck and kinda converted the v3 truck to the current v4 pack. If i need permission to release it i can ask Justin, i just remade the truck as a little feel for truck making. I did a quote fail this is the actual quote: "Pretty sure you didn't paint that."
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