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Everything posted by Mjamfan22

  1. What about the boxvan and boat?? and i cant wait for the release of those vehicle models and there texture ohh i can do so much with those. I already made up an idea
  2. Yea i got it but i am going to get home late at like 5 or so maybe idk yet
  3. League!!!!!! And ill be in digger if i can make it, if it is late i can
  4. Y should i/SOMEONE modify my track?
  5. I have one in my custom wf all i have to do is post it up on here when i get on my computer and you can see if tou like the track and i most likely will take these ideas and make a custom world finals 2
  6. My 4th o july special. Win!
  7. File Name: 4th of July Special File Submitter: monster jam fan File Submitted: 30 Jun 2012 File Category: Tracks Worked hard on this...Lots of people have been waiting.... Enjoy!!.. you can do a lot on it so just spend a couple minutes on it and it it from diferent angles but i will tell you some of those obsticles you have to watch because if you hit them wrong they will flip you in a heartbeat. Credits: Me, Sim-Monsters.com Crew Click here to download this file
  8. And We Are Done!!!! it's up for release once someone approves it. Next is a custom World Finals i am 90% done with trying to get stuff done finally and after im done with that i will do the penda series. here is my list i will do... 1. Finish Custom World Finals 1(Texture racing) 2. Al's Track(do it) 3. 3 lane racing track with a modern take(do it) 4. Penda series(some)(do it)
  9. 1,395 downloads

    Worked hard on this...Lots of people have been waiting.... Enjoy!!.. you can do a lot on it so just spend a couple minutes on it and it it from diferent angles but i will tell you some of those obsticles you have to watch because if you hit them wrong they will flip you in a heartbeat. Credits: Me, Sim-Monsters.com Crew
  10. File Name: Pepsi Stdium 2012 File Submitter: monster jam fan File Submitted: 29 Jun 2012 File Category: Tracks Here it is Pepsi Stadium 2012. Enjoy Credits: Me,Sim-Monsters.com Crew Click here to download this file
  11. Wow tom thanks it had bugs so when i get home imma fix them and hopefully release it. And i know you cant see it but there is a backflip ramp for everyone who likes that soooo
  12. I recently switched too and all i did was put my stuff on a flash drive and put it on the other computer and it worked fine.
  13. I have completed Pepsi Stadium 2012, that is off the list and i just put it for download waiting for a review. here is just a sneak peek before it is released and i exported the july 4th track it had a couple issues and i am fixing those and that should be up later then i am going out of town and when i come back i have a lot planned. Racing: Freestyle:
  14. 846 downloads

    Here it is Pepsi Stadium 2012. Enjoy Credits: Me,Sim-Monsters.com Crew
  15. Finished!!! tomorrow i hope i have time to export then it will be up here. also i have a lot of upcoming projects coming not going to spoil and if anyone can tell me how to export trucks from blender then clone or whatever you do i will put some new trucks on here;) I think it's my best track yet. Do you think it is??
  16. not saying anything other than if you can guess it you know what it is and it should be out soon but here is what i am working on and trying to finish!
  17. beat me to it but ok and looks great bet it wasnt that hard
  18. Im out of funrun just found out im going out of town for 1 and a hal weeks!!
  19. My attention goes to tires!,then truck, then skin
  20. U no everything and ill change it up in Blue thunder and as usal i will record and judge and whatever else
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