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Everything posted by Mjamfan22

  1. Mjamfan22


    I have one done i just need to learn how to clone and stuff and it will be out
  2. It would be cool to make like a server for private stuff witch i do a lot of an i was wondering if someone could tell me how to make a hamachi server for ror/ harlows video never came out yet and i really want to see my truck ingame so if anyone could teaxh me how to get a truck from blender into ror
  3. Ahhhh detail lol not for me i like dimple trucks
  4. wait wtf i made some up it didnt show them ahhh there lost forever oh you had to save it lol does this one work?? from griffens perspective: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3pu56x/ from communities perspective http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3pu58k/ http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3pu5a5/
  5. World Finals 9 Funrun Special guest at World Finals 13 at end, Thanks you know who
  6. jean,erik, and shawn get on aim in the next 10 minutes please
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OwjOvp7iL8&feature=youtu.be Detroit Funrun Practice
  8. Wow thats nuts i sure hope you will release that when it's finished. and have fun on that trip rock crawling.
  9. cool we are all set for tomorrow
  10. Line up: Me-Grave Digger Green 30th World Finals 13 Erik-Grave Digger Purple 30th World Finals 13 Conner-Grave Digger Green 30th Zach-Grave Digger Purple 30th Shawn-Grave Digger Black 30th Brandon-Son Uva Digger Wolo-Grave Digger The Legend Jeans-Grave Digger 16 Gavin Wilson-Grave Digger 20 Josh G.-Grave Digger 22 We talked on aim and it will be tomorrow, you NEED aim. If you still want to join pick a Grave Digger truck that is not one of these.
  11. because the trucks will work
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