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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. Ithey got rid of Ralph (don't know last name) and Mike Galloway when they switched to TNN, 

    That's actually not true, after they switched from USA Motorsports to Motor Madness, Sheheen and Galloway actually did an episode on Motor Madness, and chose to back out and focus on other Motorsports commentaries.

  2. The short clip of Meents in Atlanta 2003 was from Crash Madness 3, that's literally the only place to find any footage of the 2003 season, other than people who I'm sure recorded stuff with there video cameras. It really was a bizarre year, the transition between TNN and Speed. 

  3. I enjoyed it, but I honestly miss the old commentary (Bill Dwyer/Tim Green). There was just something about, like you said, the comical relief of the commentary, even though the actual competition was still completely serious. With that being said, I was slightly disappointed that Bronco didn't beat Tombstone; The team has before, but just in a lesser-known league.

  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Jester on a PEI?

    He just overwrote the paint on John's Monster Energy to test out his Jester paint.


    I have no idea how to put the Esclade Body on a PEI.. :(

    When you get the paint done, and the way you want it, someone on here will most certainly help you with the other stuff.

  5. I'd really hope he doesn't. I mean he doesn't have to step away from the sport but I, as a guy who's been a Digger fan since I was a kid, would hope Dennis would gracefully retire and just enjoy his life and watch his sons and his team prosper. I mean hell look at Bob Chandler and Jim Kramer, they don't race sure but they're still heavily involved in the Bigfoot corporation 

    I wouldn't want him to, either. But I just feel that when the time comes, he isn't going to let it go.

  6. It's kind of like a stripped-down Skype, without the video. Someone hosts a server (Either a single client, or a company), and you can join the server and talk to other people who have joined the same server, using the client. It's main purpose over the years has been for gaming events, so competitors/team-mates can communicate to each other while playing. The server we use is Tom Papaccio's, it's public, but Danny uses it on SSRS nights by making locked channels specifically for the event. 



    That's the IP, a bunch of us are usually on every day, come on in if you would like. 

    • Upvote 2
  7. You also have to put the soundscripts in your config folder.

    No you don't.. You just have to replace the soundscripts from the original sounds that came with V4, with the ones that are in Beau's pack.

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