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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. I don't believe anything on the chassis has changed, so really the only point would be if someone had a new willys body and wanted to make a fresh paint scheme. Other than that, the one in Edy's update pack looks good.

  2. I like the black rims on the retro one though. Makes me haeppy rivr raet.



    I'll admit the more normal Bigfoot (ChalkboardFoot as they call it. Jesus Family Events, give it a rest) does look a tad odd with the black rims but Retrofoot.... 


    I honestly like them more on what looks like #14 and #15 (The Trophy Truck and Chalkboard) than on Retrofoot. But of course that is my personal opinion.

  3. Hello. Glad to see a new member who is old enough and intelligent enough to be on the site. Yeah, stuff like that happens a lot around here. But on the flip side of that, you should enjoy your time on here. Welcome to the forum.

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