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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. It is nigh impossible to narrow it down to just one dream car. Hear are mine:




    1967 DeTomaso Pantera: Italian styling with a Detroit heart.






    I thought the first year for the Pantera was 1971...

  2. Sounds pretty spot on in my opinion. Mark and Scott are a terrible 'booth' combination couple that with commercials every other ten seconds and you get a poor show. Im sorry but if you think a 4 month delay, terrible announcer combination, and a show filled with commercials is great then im worried.


    As much as I hate to say this, in this case alone, no coverage is good coverage. Not to mention you can watch coverage 2 DAYS after the fact of racing and freestyle commercial FREE. I got so sick of hearing mark schrader I stopped watching years ago and have never once had the impulse to watch it, even when I flip to speed and its on I switch to another channel. How do you even justify waiting 4 months for poor coverage?


    Like ive said before, I'm GLAD its gone, it gives a shot at another TV broadcaster/channel to pick it up and do a decent job with it. So basically the broken rotted door shut and hopefully a new shinny door opens

    I was talking about his opinion on Monster Jam Itself (Opinion On Actual Monster Trucks..)

  3. You need to make sure ALL of the files have the same name as the .truck file.  The other files in the zip are named the same thing as the other El Diablo truck, thus it thinks that they are the same files as said truck, making it a regular El Diblo truck.  As for it being backwards, that's beyond my knowledge.

    The .mesh is named eldiablo.mesh while chris's is ElDiablo.mesh, and it doesnt matter if the mesh is named different then the truck, because in the .truck you change the line of the body in the .truck file to example.mesh...

  4. I have also received version 0.4.76 from James Pezold (MFR Creator) Through AIM. If anyone wants it, I can upload it to mediafire. Then I believe that and Stephen's copy of Build 500, will be the only ones left available for download.

  5. I really hate to bother people on the forum. I have been trying to start a league for a while now (Tri-HardRacing) and it never really got anywhere. I asked for an opportunity to be under the leagues forum but I need to be able to run a server or have someone to run it for me. I tried to run it and it dosent work. If you can run the server for me, I will allow you to participate in any event I decide to host (basically my league events). First come, first serve. If this isnt aloud on the site, I am sorry and you can take it off. Thanks!

    I can help you, I have run the a Public Server in the past for a while, I can password protect it, or I can make it LAN (Completely Private). If you want more details, Then Message Me.

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