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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. Just out of pure curosity has anybody attempted to or made tony farrels old skull design "wild thang"  i was watching some old monster jam vids.  Really liked that rig.

    I love that thing. Always been my favorite monster truck. I believe Michael Murray and Steve Harlow made it for the old Liquid Fire Truck Pack, but since then, I dont believe anything has been done with it.

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  2. Man seems this topic was filling up with .38 fever for a second. Also the thing about moving to .38. Guys its going to be crowded every day with people on there.

    Also Realize We Can Password Protect Servers. I will have my own Monster Truck Server for 0.38 (as I have in 0.37) and after talking to Jeroen of Cifpo, I believe he will have one as well.

  3. I dont think you can choose. .38 uses 2.35 the last time I checked.

    Well the latest uses 2.37, I believe 0.38.15-19 used 2.35 and I'm not sure what uses 2.36, but just seeing how many crawling and realism servers are on 2.37, and 2.35 and 2.36 are outdated, it just seems that an older version of 0.38 (18 or 19) there would be a more private 0.38 server list. (Using 2.35 or 36)

  4. I do have a question though, in 0.38 Will we be using RoRNet 2.35,2.36,or 2.37? Because I have been hosting a public server for RoRNet 2.34,(0.37) and I would like to know which binary I need.

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