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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. So i got my ancient windows xp finally fixed, updated everything that i could, and tried to install 0.37 on it. After installing it I tried running the configurator, but it said The Application Configuration is Incorrect--Then i tried installing 0.38 and it worked fine--is there anyway i can fix this?

  2. Anyone else have a problem with no wheels just rims appearing?

    If not can i fix it?

    And on some trucks the .mesh is like .meshh so i fix it and same error comes up...

    ugh for the 1,000 time, u need to run on Rigs of Rods 0.37 thats what the trucks are designed for

  3. Im sure this will get locked and Im sorry for starting a new topic but I found this on wayback machine and was just wondering about the unknown freestyles of WF1


    Including Reptoid (Driven By Jim Jack)


    Nitro Machine (Charlie Pauken)


    Airborne Ranger (Driven by Joe Cypher)


    Prowler (Driven by Dave Pezo)


    And so i found this on wayback machine:




    Just Wondering if anyone had seen this before 


    Apparently it is nitro machine at world finals 1 after his freestyle

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