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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. 33 minutes ago, Medalwarrior215 said:

    Wait every time I change a name to a truck and exit out of notepad it goes back to the original truck name I don't get it help me please 

    You have to save it once you make a change.. 

  2. They are scripts, you have to install them. 

    If you haven't installed Blender using the installation directory, uninstall what you have currently and either re-install using the installer that you used before, or you use the one that Roach includes in his zip, and when you are installing, select the "Used the Installation Directory" bubble when selecting between installing to AppData or the Installation Directory. Then you take the scripts and put them in C:/Blender Foundation/Blender/.blender/scripts

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  3. 5 minutes ago, krazyd24 said:

    Nvm John cannon i got it up and going

    Sorry for not responding, yeah, if you didn't install through the installation directory it is somewhat tedious to get them installed through the AppData locations, so you would have to completely reinstall. Glad you got it working. 

  4. 6 hours ago, ABgamerX said:

    Ok so I have the .truck file opened for Hooked 2015, and I found the managed materials section. So which ones do I have to remove?

    You would remove the filenames that have spec in them, but if those are the only filenames in the managedmaterials section then there is a .material file that you need to remove the spec lines from. 

    Edit: I made you this: 


    And here is the line of regular material file coding (replace the Replace.png texture name with whatever the texture name is in the first line of coding).

                    texture Replace.png

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