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Everything posted by ShawnVallance

  1. Now its dl'ing very fast! woo hoo! Thanks again to the makers of the pack!
  2. i don't care about the time.... I'll wait.
  3. Liquidfire215 had some uploading issues, so he is asking another admin. Thats all I know.
  4. 1 more hour!!! Yay!!!! i'll get it at 6:30 CST.
  5. ok, before I dl, whats new with this one?
  6. Yeah, I really didn't care for the 3rd gear. Matter of fact, it was quite annoying.
  7. Anyways..... I can hear the Diggers getting closer.... they will be here on sunday.
  8. Yay! this is THE most anticipated truck pack in any free open source game.... ever! I want to thank all of the people who put all of their efforts into this pack.
  9. well, as my profile says.... Crazy Driver in game, safe driver in real life.
  10. Can anyone help me with the light placement for a shelby gt500 (2010)? Nevermind, already done...
  11. Oh crap!.... well, i have my permit as well
  12. Exactly, and now, we have some of the roughest moderators ever.... maybe if Pricorde ever did show himself again, maybe, JUST maybe, things will turn around.
  13. btw... It was both Pricorde and Tdev who started.. just saying.
  14. umm, I have it working on 38.67, only thing is that the vehicles with custom tachos and speedos will overwrite it. If you need it, P.M. me.
  15. hmmm, thats odd.... Maybe one of the pros here can help then, because I ran out of ideas... sorry
  16. Sometimes the shiny effect comes from where the direction of the in game sun is at. Try tuning the time to a darker position by pressing shift and +. Hope that helps.
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