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Posts posted by SideWinder

  1. yah they do, from what I've learned its all rear steer, and throttle control, use the throttle to break the tires loose, and then u have to try to keep them from catching out of no where, replay feature doesn't really work for me, so I'll let someone else worry bout that. camera angle is probably that u broke the "beam" the camera is mounted onto, its kinda weird, when that happens to me I just go into the cab of the truck, if that not ur issue, I don't know....

  2. Ive been watching some more vids and tehy go into reverse instantly. + they never stop cause of "lw pressure" which is what i get. Does it just take practice or is tehre some kind of wasy mode to do it?

    Oh and they turn the truck so easily, its hard to steer on it and takes forver to turn

    uhm, how hard is it to hit change gear down quickly? change to neutral, (bam) then reverse (bam) hit the the throttle and go... in other words see a wall coming up fast, bam bam gas turn, bam bam back to drive and go... hope it made alot of sense... or none at all, I normally drive a manual with sequantial changes, but I'm pretty sure it should still work

  3. yeesh, for something thats got to be that hard to make, sure gettin some flak for it, way I see it, it might not be perfect, but who of you can do that? I know I can't, I'm just happy to see it ingame, Roach thats freakin awesome, thank you for using ur talents to pull that off, wish I could pay u for ur talent but I'm broke, :P

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