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Everything posted by monsterjamcod0329

  1. They are, racing is friday and freestyle is on saturday
  2. This will make a great High School Graduation; which is why I will be going
  3. Yea the show would be better with better drivers, but just the experience of just being there is something that you don't get at any other show and many people believed that 2 days wasn't enough, and now they are expanding to 3 days for people with double down. Those 4 extra drivers might be "awful", but that extra day of the World Finals experience to me personally makes up for it.
  4. http://www.monsterjam.com/News/2013/03/07/1/ It is so weird that me and my dad were talking about this for the past few years and now its a reality. What you guys think?
  5. I didn't have a yellow bus texture when I modeled the track, I believe edy has one
  6. MY BALTIMORE MODEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the other tracks look awesome
  7. He needs to be my English teacher
  8. Thats what you call the beginning of a project
  9. Well here is something else that I was working on. Simple medium sized track. Tell me what you guys think.
  10. So here is something that you will probably see for now on in some of my event.
  11. Just want to be sure; that chassis he drove with taz, is the same chassis he has now but with the added bars in the back and a few modification?
  12. Ryan is already a driver to where if he fills time, he is hard to beat.
  13. So here is what me and Edy are working on: remaking the POD that he has previously made. We made a deal that he will will texture them and I will model them. Here is the first one. Baltimore 2012 Yes I know the stadium is made out of concrete.
  14. It's to prevent someone from doing a backflip. It's not for safety reasons because these were the type of backflip ramps they used for the POD tour
  15. This is so true, this is the only show where 90 percent of the crowd stays after the last truck run. I do look forward to what happens in freestyle, but i can honestly say that I look forward to the encore the most when it comes to thinking " what are they going to do this year".
  16. File Name: DJMRacing Freestyle Showdown File Submitter: monsterjamcod0329 File Submitted: 22 Feb 2013 File Category: Tracks Hey guys, here is my first all freestyle track. Hopefully we use this on an episode of DJMRacing Showdown. I suck at painting track which is why the paint is so terrible. Credits: klayton: car model, car texture, dirt texture Devin Doss: DJMRacing Wallbanners Sim Monsters: Concrete texture, tarp texture, crowd texture If I forgot anyone, I apologize. Click here to download this file
  17. 593 downloads

    Hey guys, here is my first all freestyle track. Hopefully we use this on an episode of DJMRacing Showdown. I suck at painting track which is why the paint is so terrible. Credits: klayton: car model, car texture, dirt texture Devin Doss: DJMRacing Wallbanners Sim Monsters: Concrete texture, tarp texture, crowd texture If I forgot anyone, I apologize.
  18. nope, which many people might think is the best part.
  19. Here is the all freestyle I'm making with updates, just checking for anything backfaces and things like that, it should be up for dl later tonight. Tell me what you guys think.
  20. Compare the 2 videos for accuracy. Tell me what you guys think.
  21. I am a little disappointed with the line with chris and neil not being in it, but the world finals is a show unlike no other imo. Even with the line up messed up a little, this should still be a great Finals.
  22. Here is the all freestyle that im making ingame. It'll be call DJMRacing Freestyle Showdown Tell me what you guys think. EDIT:
  23. Yep, I was that lazy for the screenshot
  24. File Name: Consol Energy Center File Submitter: monsterjamcod0329 File Submitted: 17 Feb 2013 File Category: Tracks Here is a quick and easy track. Hope you guys enjoy. Credits: Klayton: car model, car texture, dirt texure RKM: Arena Model SM: crowd texture, wallbanner texture, tarp texture Aaron Lurie: modified half and half car texture If I forgot someone, I apologize. Click here to download this file
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