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File Comments posted by dd908

  1. UPDATE:
    I'm going to be re-sizing every texture on the truck down to half its original dimensions, as well as putting the V4 EcoWork tires on it instead of the newer V4.5 EcoWork tires made by RockCrwlr. This patch should be available within the next two weeks.

  2. I agree with bubba. I also had lag. can u please make a low lag version?

    There's nothing I can do to make it lag less, really. It's your computer's performance that judges whether it can run good in RoR or not. If you personally would like to make it less "laggy", you can remove the coilover shocks and just run without shocks. Or, you can replace RockCrwlr's EcoWork tires with the regular V4 models that have less vertices and feature textures that are smaller in size. You can remove the pedals and their animations if that annoys you/your computer a lot as well. 

  3. Chassis color is off and the shocks look cartoony. Not too bad though.

    Yeah, I want to fix the shocks eventually. I never had plans on going too deep into texturing the shocks, but I'd like to redo them with some fresh models and new textures. The textures were as close me and Edy could get to replicating Overtime coils, but I plan on redoing them. 

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