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Nick Migues

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Everything posted by Nick Migues

  1. Im sorry sir i just wanted to put stickers on it we talked about this on facebook bro
  2. Doing some updates to my Nitro Menace. First one was a minor one to get started which is just the Simpson sticker on the bedsides lol gonna update the sponsor plates and change the headers to the collectors we run now soon
  3. fixing bodies is overrated.. besides fixing fiberglass sucks. trust me.
  4. If I was a driver on that i'd probably end up jumping off the boat. I love pit parties and meeting fans and quick convos like that but a boat ride with well what would probably be alot of super fans would drive me crazy lol still kinda a cool idea but ehh
  5. Doug has been back for a few years with Wild Thang, been displaying in Vegas every year since 2014 and ran his first season in MJ this year. He picked up a few wheelie and atleast one freestyle win that I know of, hes doing an awesome job with the truck. Also, I want QTorque Iron Outlaw back lol
  6. Miss Wild Baby Over Bored Style. Also possible, dunno really. Just not alot sticks around, but they all have their reasons and cant hate them for it. As long as we always have enough people to cover shows its no biggie. In addition to Diedra Ballard debuting tonight, Chris Sawicki is also debuting in South Bend behind the wheel of Lumberjack
  7. Todd has gone to another team, someone gave him a awesome deal and is building him a brand new truck that is being revealed at the end of the month i think. Mike quit in Vegas as well, which is why Mullet was brought in along with other fill in drivers along the way. Also, my bad. Didnt mean for it to sound like that so i went ahead and changed it
  8. Its hard to keep drivers on the B team in general, we dont know why. Mullet is sticking around for awhile but he needed time off so thats why we have Matt right now. Trent is not working for another team or feld, but he moved on because he wanted time home and wants to work on his own stuff
  9. No, he quit back in Vegas and just has been doing some fill in driving for us when we needed it
  10. just throwing out thats not Trents truck anymore, no permanent driver in that truck as of right now. We just call it the CRD now lol
  11. I think we all have I just cant get over it lol i wanna see it in person tho. Ive run 3 shows with Cory this year and seems like he run every body but Rage lol
  12. (everybody drooling over overbored which does look good, while im over here like yup rage is pretty sweet in the background
  13. Yeah it took me a second to even see the name of the truck honestly, needs a little design work.. On the Overbored/Wild Style deal, I dont see why both trucks wouldnt run for MJ. Dont think he really wants to run for TMTT anymore, cant say i blame him, those tracks seem really hard on trucks for arena tracks
  14. Also Devin likes to stand up in that hole during intros in the windshield and im pretty sure thats his main reason tbh lol
  15. I see that now, never noticed it before. Definetly different
  16. Tim Missztenis (MULLET!!!!!!) has been working for Creten for awhile. Mike Thompson has been driving for Kohler for a while too, but Mikes been bouncing around in trucks and Mullet drove Cretens truck because Jim is in the hospital with menningitis (i think thats how its spelled) but theres more info on him on Dawns facebook. and Yall dont know a long drive til you ride in a semi to an island off Canada.. about a 4 day trip. Living the monster truck dream lol
  17. last year was the first year they did straight lin drags in Miami. BTW Kaylyn is OK, the truck on the other hand.... Edit: Also this was Devins 3rd show with Barbarian 3.0
  18. ME! naw, Colt Stephens was in it for the 2015 First quarter, Pablo Huffaker at both WFs, Steven Sims at POD, not really sure about 2016 first quarter. Also, if you really think its Derick Anson, who was running his indie trucks for a completely different promoter.. well.. wow
  19. Kinda sorta a combo of both bodies if you think about it, after he trashed the square body hood along with those body sides, he had full square body bedsides like rock made but with an 01 GMC clip instead. (which confuses me, why replace the square body bedsides but not the hood. why david)
  20. Wait, its more than Bill Payne trucks?? lol i kid.. cant forget the legendary Quick trucks..
  21. Aftershock is a 08-2013 model year Chevy body @whoever was making it, forgot to quote and saw spotty years on it
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