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Nick Migues

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Everything posted by Nick Migues

  1. Ummm they didnt have a event in the Pontiac Silverdome 2010.. The last event was 06 if I remember correctly...
  2. Actually it's the Goat Killer, people have been calling it wrong all year. Gosh.
  3. 2010 he made it to round 3 and barely lost to Dennis... and he never drove man of steel, 2010-2011 he was in Shock Therapy and 2013 he was in superman.. oh boy.. and I'm sure Dustin is staying in Mutt, but even if it isn't in Mutt, he'll be in something im sure
  4. Championships and trips to Vegas don't measure how good you are. Also just because McDonald was there doesn't mean Zimmer or Madusa actually had to race him. And if you didn't know Zimmer hasn't been to Vegas you really need to get caught up before posting something like that. And speaking of Zimmer wonder what it was like to sit in Metal Mulisha and watch Adam Anderson put his Digger into the ground lol
  5. Crude Behavior was a good looking truck.. and it just got a really good looking teammate with Island Outlaw..
  6. Preston Perez is a sexy beast anyways, because its fELD and they seem to have trouble naming trucks
  7. The lineups have been removed from the site for a solid week if not longer.. And I read somewhere that "apparently" Pirates Curse is not a typo. Don't know how reliable that source could be. also, I wont get on the Rosalee hype train, but I WILL get on the Doug Charles hype train cuz hes a good friend of mine. #WildThangYGS2K16
  8. Like I said I hope JYD and Pirates Curse are both new. As far as I know, Flame Motorsports only has 3 chassis and 3 drivers, hence only King Krunch, without Nitro Hornet or El Matador. I think its possible that JYD and Pirates Curse are both FELD trucks because it wouldn't surprise me if they are adding as many new trucks as they can to make up for all the indies not running MJ this year, such as Anson's 2, Darrens 2, and I think someone said on here or in 2015 thread Gunslinger wont be buying BKTs either. I read somewhere that the new deal is no matter how many shows you run you have to buy BKTs. but IDK
  9. Idk I kinda hoping that Pirates Curse and Junkyard Dog are both new but who knows. I'm so excited for Doug to bring Wild Thang into monster jam. And Doug, Devin, and Randy would dominate Nicole..
  10. *slides white piece of paper with green crayon drawn $20 bill*
  11. Just wondering how I change my username? Kinda tired of KMPUNK and wanting to go more.. NitroMenace.. and also wondering how everyone changes the whole rank thing where it says like "pro member" i notice all of people have different stuff on theres and was wondering how I can change that.. Thanks for thy help.
  12. Please get some better news, I mean that stuff was all reported quite some time ago.. Hell, all you have to do is go to page 1 of this forum to see Blue Thunder is running next year.. Calling us suckfaces was unneeded, especially when your "boatload of info" is all old and past things.. and I, like Gabe, am curious of how you never saw Lumberjack when you literally posted the name complaining about a generic name.. In other news, i'd like to say that i'll be crewing for Nitro Menace and Freedom Keeper some first quarter and i'm pretty excited. Idk if this is news to any of you but i'm pumped for first quarter all around with the 2 new trucks, Alien and SF Black Ops, Excited to see what Zane Rettew has in store for the current Stinger chassis as well as the new one if that means a new scheme. And most of all I'm excited to bring some news we may have coming out of both TK Motorsports(Nitro/Freedom) as well as 2Xtreme racing.. You'll find out soon enough
  13. Idk where you've been but that truck has not only been released as the obvious teammate of Crushstation but has even already debuted... and just because Ryan is in BB "most of the time" doesn't mean anything, FELD could put anyone they wanted in that truck. Also I doubt they expand the YGS any bigger or a whole lot bigger, keeps it more interesting with a small field.
  14. Yea that's what I meant it's basically a 2nd SF truck. Also yes I am a technician, my uncle owns Nitro Menace and Freedom Keeper and my dad is the crew chief of Bounty Hunter and Scarlet Bandit team and I crew for both teams when I am at shows with them, and next June I will begin working for Monster Jam. And how is it obvious who's driving Backwards Bob..?
  15. Well im back from my weekend of monster trucks, spent all weekend up at my uncles shop doing some work to Nitro Menace and Freedom Keeper. This team has some cool stuff coming next year but thats all I can say right now . and i'll jump in here, i'm gonna guess that Soldier Fortune Blackops isnt Chad Fortune (since the driver is listed as TBA, basically my only reason lol) I hate the generic Alien name, but look at how cool Zombie And Dragon turned out body wise. Im excited to see both Alien and SF Black Ops designs and hoping for a new Zombie Hunter. Also, I wish those purple beadlocks would get left on Digger, they are sooooo sexy
  16. It'll be cool to see the old Backdraft and Eradicator back and competing again, whether its winter or not
  17. Kinda reminds me of the shock setup on Bounty/Iron Outlaw but might even be out wider than ours
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if its gone since that hasn't been announced yet. Also happy to say that next summer im going to attempt to get a job with FELD for summer 2016 and into First quarter 2017(and hopefully beyond that, of course). Wish me luck
  19. well Brian is our only driver beside Trent/Jim/Dawn(creten pls let me drive!!) so its probably him lol. And i'd love to see atleast a little something done for El Toro for its 15th anniversary, but then again its kinda hard when you've got 5 trucks with 3 different paint schemes already.
  20. I give the Fetty truck 10 points for creativity.
  21. Lee was winning racing before he even had a full time ride. I watched Buetows run and it wasnt too bad but I guess nothing matched it? idk. But being a THW/Buetow fan always glad to see him win.
  22. I recognize Jon Zimmers GD by the fact that the hood says XXVI in a picture Adam posted. Also the #MMJ lineups I posted to start the thread were from a Facebook group, and someone had compiled them from the MJ website and made what I copied/pasted here. And Melbourne is an open stadium so it probably started storming(Thundering/lightning) so they shut the show down. just a guess
  23. I like how someone takes a little time off and you just assume hes been fired. also i hope ur joking about someone dieing there
  24. Cory's building his own truck? Thats interesting and actually pretty cool. Also interested to see what Zane renames the current Stinger truck.. maybe Car Killer the monster truck? lol
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