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Posts posted by SealedGecko

  1. We will still be doing a booking system for Season 3. I know we are going to have an extreme amount of signups, but it will be first come first serve as to who gets what events/venues, and Elite drivers will also get first choice of the venues they wish to run at. The MAXIMUM of drivers allowed at a stadium event any given weekend is 16, and the MAXIMUM drivers allowed at an arena event any given weekend will be 12. Thats 28 drivers each weekend. Remember, choose wisely. There are championships awarded in season 3 for Stadium Racing and Freestyle, as well as Arena Racing and Freestyle. This is just a little piece of advice to some of the new drivers out there that will try to run this season. It would be best of you to choose an arena heavy schedule and maybe 1 or 2 stadiums, just to get your feet wet and learn in the arenas before you jump in and run the gigantic stadiums.

    28 trucks a weekend out of like 100 sign ups seems to low for a booking system, there would only be 12 non elite drivers, everyone who is not elite would have to be on there computer 24/7 until the booking starts, 32, 36, or 40 people a weekend would be better because there is going to be some no shows a week and almost everyone who wants to drive would get to.

  2. I like it gecko, but not sure if i'm feeling the big thick chassis. Thats just my opinion though, if you like it, then by all means go for it.

    I think if it was thinner it would appear to weak because it has no cross bracing, I think I'm going to rebuild it with smaller tubing anyway to see how it looks, if I like it but it looks to weak, I'll just add the bracing lol.

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