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Posts posted by SealedGecko

  1. Well I wanted to do something other than be sick today so I decided I would try doing a fun run. It's going to be at Cincinnati 2011. No qualifying cutoff, everyone who signs up gets to race. I might record it if we get enough people.

    Qualifying Starts: 5:00PM EST

    Qualifying Ends: 6:00PM EST

    Chat Starts: 6:15PM EST

    Race Starts: 6:30PM EST

    Sign-up form:




    Sign-Ups Close: 5:30PM EST

    All trucks must be released on this website. Only ONE person per truck.

    Trucks Taken

    Matt Wilkinson - Avenger

    Chace Leahy - Blue Thunder

    Gavin Wilson - Brutus

    William Collins - Michigan Ice Monster

    Sam Steinhauer - Maximum Destruction

    Mike Elmendorf - Grave Digger

    Jack Merkle - Grave Digger the Legend

    Trevor Amos - Sudden Impact

    Aaron Lurie - El Toro Loco

    Andrew Field - Controlled Chaos

    Mark Colineri - Night Rider

    Jonathan Soto - Captain America

    Patrick Gentry - Shock Therapy

    Garrett Douglas - Ground Pounder

    Joshua Micks - Batman

    Mike Gresko - Bounty Hunter

    Tom P - Mopar Magic

    Steven Merzlak - Pastrana 199

    Eric D - L.O. Crusader

    John Cavallni - American Guardian

    Conner R. - Son-Uva-Digger

    Jose Garcia - Excaliber


    1. Bounty Hunter - 19.06
    2. Night Rider - 19.28
    3. Avenger - 19.42
    4. American Guardian - 19.8
    5. Controlled Chaos - 19.84
    6. Mopar Magic - 20.33
    7. Son-Uva-Dogger - 20.85
    8. El Toro Loco - 21.38
    9. Ground Pounder - 21.57
    10. Batman - 21.75
    11. Maximum Destruction - 21.8
    12. Blue Thunder - 21.82
    13. Excaliber - 22.98
    14. Captain America - 23.25
    15. Sudden Impact - 28.21
    16. Michigan Ice Monster - DNF

  2. I got my beta key a couple days ago, been playing a lot, not a bad game but it gets really old there is only like 8 tracks right now, hopefully there is more when it is fully released. I really don't like how everything is done on the website, sometimes pages won't open and stuff. My username on there is SealedGecko lol. (I know it's a shocker huh.)

  3. you want 2? when you first get it get your monster truck then get out go somewhere else (but close to the track) and go to top there will be a bar and says simulator click it and there you go and next time put it in help and support :)

    That only works in 0.38.xxx. To get multiple trucks in 0.37.xxx there has to be a truck shop on the map, which most of SM tracks do not have. You can add them using toolkit, it's really easy. (Don't ask me to help.)

  4. also..a week ago i was able to get on the sm monster multipler servers...the first night i played by myself for about 30 min then fell asleep.when i work up another guy had come in.and tried chatting with me.ended up saying he was gona boot me..what i'm getting at is the past 2 days i am not seing the server when i hit update..has it been up..or somehow am i blocked from it???

    if anyone can help me in more detailed fashion please hit me up on AIM at - JasFon426

    I was the one who kicked you and I did it just in case if six people wanted to get in the server, all of them could. I also host the server, the reason you haven't been able to see it because I built a new computer and haven't got around to movie my files to this one. It should be up again within a day or two.

  5. If your going to make a topic posting on the matter please do so correctly, it was NOT an attack on megaupload, it was a take-down by the FBI like they've done to numerous sites in the past that host illegal content such as music, movies and games. I highly doubt it has anything to do with PIPA and/or SOPA because it is nothing new unless you've been living in a cave for the last 5 years. I don't really see how it will affect us either since you can (and should) upload your file directly to the site and I wouldn't be shocked if there are more to come.

    Even look at LimeWire, you can't even download the software for it anymore. Only website I know of but it's a good example lol.

  6. But where would one find the area to change your avatar? I cant seem to locate it under my settings =S And my avatar has been reverted to one of my older ones without me doing so.

    I don't think there is a way anymore.

  7. Well, I would suggest the AMD to save money, but you've already shot that idea down for the quad core intel. But anyways, the card's really good even by it's self..for the price, I was reading reviews and benchmarks on it, and it out performed cards that were more expensive and "faster"

    I am thinking about an AMD processor, I've switched back and forth like 5 times lol. I will look into that video card.

    EDIT: That does look like a nice computer, does it come together because that would be a plus because I'm a dumba**.

  8. dude, if your spending this much money already, just go SLI on the vid cards..so 6 months later your not nice ladying bout upgrading. SLI has helped me out massively in everygame I play, rendering videos etc.. The cards the LF recommended are badass cards, take a look at mine that I suggested earlier in the post, that's what I run both 1gb cards SLI..they run really quiet, and don't get hot.

    I have around $1000 dollars to spend and 2 of those you suggest would add like $80 and I'm already $60 over budget.

  9. First and maybe it's just me but I think you'd be better off ordering it all from the same place and not multiple sources.

    Seems decent, make sure your power supply is adequate (Newegg has a calculator for it) the other thing is do you have anything in your current PC you can keep/use with the new build (HDD, OS, CD drive).

    100% IMO but if you have parts you can keep from your current PC then you can take your price down or set more into something else.

    Also, when Mr.Liquidfire sees this can we get a Computer Tech section added as a sub-category/forum such as under the PC Gaming section?

    It's a tower build only not complete system. but for a good mouse for gaming you'll likely be looking in the $20+ range.

    I had everything on newegg but i transferred some to tiger direct because I don't have to pay taxes on tiger direct. Made build cost go from $1150 to $1030.

    I was planning on keeping my current computer usable. I have a spare monitor and stuff.

    Over All looks like you have a great build, just some of my tips/hints if you wanna try em out good, if not I understand, Its about $70 difference without the SSD.

    PSU looks nice but in some reviews it says it has short wires, others say long. I'll look into that one.

    The ram looks well made, I like it because its faster lol. I'll look into that too.

    What exactly does a SSD do? Because I have no clue lol.

    Only getting the anti static thing because I don't wanna fry something on my first build lol.

  10. I got it....

    and HOLY CRAP IT IS EPIC, vintage f1 cars are absolutely insane, graphics are unbelievable, they basically took the best racing sim (rf1) and made it the greatest racing sim that will come out for a while and will definitely give the middle finger to iRacing once some mods start coming out for it

    I sat there for 5 minutes waiting for a video lololol, hopefully when I get my new computer I can get RF2.

  11. it wouldnt hurt to check best buy too. i personally dont like buying ready to run computers online beacuse of they way packages get handled during shiping

    I don't think I'm going to get that one anyway, planning on building my own.

    Also I'm not trying to hijack this thread just answering stuff lol.

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