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Everything posted by rmnldr

  1. Congrats to Aaron on the double down. I'm very proud of myself for making the finals. I cheated death in round 2 and the semi finals I believe. Hopefully I can continue getting this far in future events. After racing, I completely forgot there was freestyle due to how concentrated I was in racing. Went down early in a violent crash, but had fun doing it.
  2. I'm hoping to get an associate degree in automotive technology and get a job at a dealership or some shop. From there I'll either volunteer for a monster truck team or just begin making my own truck.
  3. Looking forward to running all out for our California fans. We're ready for tonight with a new motor and fresh shocks on SickKiss.
  4. I loved this game so much when I was younger. Hopefully this one will play out like the last two and will have controller support.
  5. I'm having problems with some of the trucks I'm putting together. When people use my truck on online servers, they can't see them even if they have it installed. It hasn't happened to all of the trucks I've assembled but it's very annoying. For clarification: -Both parties have the truck(s) installed. -Trucks cannot be seen on either end. -Person driving the truck can see truck, but not others. Hopefully one of you knows how to fix this. xP Thanks in advance.
  6. Name: SIR Monster Fest Venue: No Problem Raceway Racing Style: Horseshoe Replica or Custom: Replica Date Ran: November 3rd, 2012 Images/Graphics: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=no+problem+raceway&hl=en&ll=30.019309,-91.078216&spn=0.003135,0.005681&sll=30.092861,-90.999756&sspn=0.025063,0.045447&t=h&hq=no+problem+raceway&z=18
  7. Put the Ark of the Covenant in the back.
  8. I'd love to have a code but I seriously doubt my computer could run it. :c
  9. If you're flipping when you try to enter a turn, I suggest you use your brakes. It's all about throttle control and brakes. Anyway, Welcome to Sim-Monsters, enjoy your stay.
  10. I always wondered what the limit was on SYP threads.
  11. Wow Rock. That will be my favorite track if you finish it.
  12. So you definitely did an encore in Metal Mulisha, right?
  13. So trucks we will be able to pick from trucks at certain venues? Awesome. I hate having to play with the same truck in leagues.
  14. He still has to prove that he did an encore at a Monster Jam event inside Metal Mulisha.
  15. Welcome to Sim Monsters. Enjoy your stay.
  16. I'd say move the body back some, but then it'd be hanging off like a foot in the back.
  17. I was hoping for news of an alien invasion, but I guess a stolen iPhone is all I'll get. Sorry about your iPhone I guess? Theft has been going on for thousands of years. Humans are shiitake mushrooms.
  18. It's truly heartbreaking to see this happen on such a joyous occasion. It makes me sick to the core to see innocent people being murdered in mass shootings, bombings, and other violent acts. I understand that humans are naturally violent and such acts have taken place since the beginning of this nation, but I believe every time something like this happens it deserves our undivided attention. If we if ignore atrocities such as this we will grow callous to the violence that may come in the future. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. Hopefully those injured can heal to their fullest and those thwt jave been lost can have mercy on their souls.
  19. rmnldr

    Tampa Custom

    The table top may be the most fun obstacle I've ever experienced in RoR. The green step-up cars are perfect and the white car stack built into the table top is the most satisfying jump on the whole track. It's a very technical track in the sense that on most of the jumps you have to settle for a combo rather than clearing the gaps. Overall, great track, very fun.
  20. It could be a multitude of things. If you post what kind of hardware you're running I can help you some.
  21. Well it was pleasant. Too bad I couldn't get the livestream chat from my iPad.
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