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John Dough

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Posts posted by John Dough

  1. Love the look of the paintjob (that's blue, NOT purple, for the record). Also, from the video, it appears that they have indeed added a bed cap to the full F-150 body as opposed to just blending two separate pieces together, or at least they were planning to. From the looks of it, the body will fit either way.


    Also, here's a pre-wrapped El Diablo in the background...



    And look at THIS: 



    Definitely a ram.


    Man of Steel? Most likely, because Ram did have a deal with the Man of Steel movie.

  2. Looks pretty good so far, but if it's the 2011 version (where Damon ran beadlocks on the truck) you're going for, a few details need to be changed

    1. Add the "2009 Freestyle Champion" to the roof, and flip the Air Force Afterburner logo around:


    I'd also make the blue a bit more crisp or make it pop out more, seems a bit too dark from my view.

    And also make the Monster Jam the Advance Auto Parts Monster Jam logo

    Finally the sway bars need to be silver

    Still excellent looking so far!


    You were spot on with it being 2011, and an interesting note is that AFAB actually did run bead locks before 2011, they were just all silver.

    It's tough trying to figure out the right blue to use, since each picture appears to vary. But you're definitely right about needing to brighten it.

    Along with the swaybars not being set up, you guys should notice that the shocks are nowhere near line up with the shafts, those will be fixed up too.

  3. I'm gonna have to split that into two categories..

    For painting, I say Team Hotwheels 2013 has been my best work in terms of detail and accuracy in both graphics and color.

    For modeling, the new Avalanche is definitely a winner, I put a lot of focus into modeling it accurately but also added attention into realism and how the truck would look as a fiberglass body compared to the real thing. Turned out terrific.

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