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Posts posted by jdshark000

  1. My jaw dropped at this...but who's corckscrew thing was better, Dennis or Toms?


    It's certainly a debatable question, I'd say Tom's because his had a bit of skill involved whereas Dennis' was nearly ALL luck.  I don't often say luck and Dennis Anderson in the same sentence but he didn't hit the gas at all to get it back on all fours.  Still, they're both amazing, unique moves in their own way.

  2. Scott Buetow DOES deserve the invite. He hasn't gotten wins, but he has the skill. And that's what people HAVE to realize. The wins don't mean jack, it's the placement, the effort that matters!


    I completely agree with this.  I may be a bit biased since he lives in my hometown, but if he wasn't invited this year, he would have been next year.  He's been improving so fast I think he'll become a consistent World Finals competitor.

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