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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. which do yall like more? the name is only distorted because of the fender or paint credit goes to ash
  2. Im digging Stafford Speeedway Ryan. Good job.
  3. hey bro...glad to see you over here...Now...start making stuff lol
  4. wrong body...Big dawg runs an extended cab f-250 body like bigfoot
  5. YAY...my shocks Very nice roach...
  6. I locked your "will do any 3 skins" tread so we dont get an influx of noods continuing to request skins. Let me know when you want it reopened so you can post pics etc...

  7. looks nothing like the Hallbros chassis...plus i already made it.
  8. Stop making the rest of us look bad Ryan lol
  9. something like top truck challenge of peterson's UA would be cool
  10. I would love to run tonight, but what time would you run? same time as always?
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