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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. Thanks everyone for the encouragement and best wishes. The wifey thanks you too. We will be hold a contest to see which one of you we name it after. She is scheduled for an ultrasound Monday, so we will know the sex soon. The criteria is a 1-2 paragraph essay on why you think our child should be named after you lol. And yes we are serious about that. Post entry's in this thread.
  2. Thats because your delivery man was busy smoking, snorting, popping, dropping, and/or injecting whatever drugs he could before taking your delivery. This comes from experience as a delivery driver. Everythings looking great guys.
  3. AS the title says, I have had, and will continue to take an extended leave of absence from all things ROR and Sim-Monsters as a result of a relapse I had a month ago. I have checked myself into a rehab facility and don't know how long I will be staying. I am 26 days sober as of tonight. My decision to seek help for my cocaine addiction came after a hard hitting relapse and finding out that my wife and I will be expecting our first child. There is no greater joy than knowing you will become a father, and no greater reason to get sober. My wife has been very supportive with my decision. Thus ends a wild and exciting chapter in my life, and ushers in new, even more exciting one. Wish me luck, and hopefully i will see you all soon. Sincerely, Matthew Demko
  4. Finally the correct bottom teeth...
  5. Roach- "Or you could just release it in the downloads section instead of giving it to people who will sit on it as much as you do to your own stuff." Quote of the century. Also Andrew... You might want to edit the back of the cab/side windows. Looks to long to be single cab, and too short to be extended. Nice work
  6. by not posting in a dead thread.... check date bro.
  7. pretty much done minus other side shocks and a few detail bits. Might try to nab Wambo's Keith Black.
  8. who says nitrous and blower motors don't mix? Calling this one the BANKRUPT mud truck
  9. Word. Thanks Andrew. I'll hit you up when I'm on my pc
  10. back end... shortened the wheelbase up. also f*ckin around with bodies... got this one from mr. sheets. and goddamnit wambo... get on some sort of instant messaging device some time soon. you're harder to contact that E.T.'s home with out a phone.
  11. I meak mud truk... low slung ftw going for something like this ALSO>>>> I need a couple of nitrous bottles and mounts made.
  12. they would lose money multiple shows = multiple revenue sources.
  13. mdemko

    Food Porn

    True stoner food. Left overs from Father's Day dinner, leftovers from Texas Road House, and a half borrito, all wrapped up into two tortillas.
  14. Seriously.... Stfu. They are the same damn thing. And a monster truck IS a mega mud truck dumbasses
  15. only difference these days is the tire size and axles. most of the mega mud truck guys could run 66's but don't because their axles cant take it.
  16. It seems Jim just lengthened the cradle. Lol at not cutting a new sponsor plate. Can clearly tell it's from the old chassis.
  17. He runs his own in house chassis. I don't think it changed.
  18. heres one I found for MR. Jack Meredith.... Primus remix Also... Y'all niggas postin in a dubstep thread.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovj9o_YhSKM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyO9M75QRCM
  20. I like it. Reminds me of how Frank Schettini ran his exhaust.
  21. we had a Skype chat two nights ago... Damian figured out how to video chat.... Things got ugly.
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