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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. inb4 www.billpayne.net/monsterjam/band-wagon.jpeg
  2. He doesn't deserve the banhammer just yet. To be fair, I did kind of provoke him with my trolling. But in all seriousness... the le track is done
  3. Somebody from the Skype call had to have gotten a screen cap of Damian's naked ass. That has to be posted here.
  4. mdemko

    Concert Goers

    maybe he realized he was better than yall and wanted to be apart of something greater?
  5. mdemko

    Concert Goers

    *Be in music *Dubstep *DJ *No band to break up
  6. mdemko

    Concert Goers

    I'll try to upload some video from Friday, but the audio is complete crap. Too much bass. It vibrated smoke out of your lungs.
  7. mdemko

    Concert Goers

    Carver & Clock, AFK, and Getter killed it! Such an awesome show. Small crowd, put it went hard as F*UK!
  8. Good times... Always did like working with you on tracks Matt.
  9. Hit me up on aim sometime. I have some pretty good pictures of the actual oval track MOM2008 was at. The track is actually a quad-oval with the funky bit on the back stretch. would like to see a good rep of the place done up. and the stands on the back stretch face away from the oval and towards an 1/8 mile drag stip.
  10. so theres this...Krappy King Krunch sheets with the mody mod
  11. If you ever played the track in mtm2, it worked perfectly. Just the right angle that the bus stack wasn't in the path. It was also at a time when monster jam was rotating jumps IRL. 07-08.
  12. who doesn't love some good L4D2 samples.... And the VIP because why not
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUil_5lhJao
  14. It won't. Jim jack touched the top of Instagators flag, almost the roof. That's not safe enough for feld
  15. It worked in the infield at Houston Motorsports park back in '10 and the oval was 3/8mile. Thus proving a cross over track would be possible in a large stadium.
  16. Remind me to photoshop #asbigasitgets over a leveled Hiroshima.
  17. Wambo... Is that a nuclear reactor powered truck?
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