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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. I was suppose be the only one with a GMC lol. Nice truck doe...
  2. why a bathroom? You are weird.
  3. love Zomboy. Going to see him in July.
  4. na... your just a faggit. Not the gay kind, but the south-park biker kind.
  5. way to ruin a fun back and forth ribbing. for shame. Liquid stranger was dope tonight. Felt bad for the guy. small crowd full of high school senior douches. He literally stopped mixing, put on a pre made 15 minute mix and went back stage. Worst crowd I have ever seen. Who the f*ck starts a mosh pit at a rave?
  6. on the contrary.... there is nothing more brutal that these beats on the ear drums.
  7. My Megalodon is superior because dubstep. For example... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E5RIXgmNtY Example 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr-einHUq9U
  8. Did you reall need to bump a thread that died 3 years ago?
  9. Good. Theres to much underage-ban on here as it is...
  10. I think music should be an exception... only thing that should not be tolerated on here is ICP, or any group associated with said clowns... now back to wubstep... megalodon^ Going to see Liquid Stranger^ Friday... The Strangers 50 Carrot^
  11. can I be a turning pole? that way medusa can tap me all night long?
  12. I can haz whelen modifiedz??????
  13. mdemko

    Gaming Glitches

    Everyones favorite.... the GTA4 Swingset of doom.
  14. https://soundcloud.com/megalodon/megalodon-promo-mix-2014 Megalodon goes hard as f*ck.
  15. Yes you should. Make it a more traditional style of Freestyle like what every WF has been before. It would be nice to have both types of FS tracks. Variety.
  16. Mabey Change up the buses and cars on one side(use different/unique vehicles), and integrate a trailor into the backside of one lane....
  17. Are you kidding? That has to be the puniest comment in the history of forever.
  18. What happened to Brian Barthel? Lolololol
  19. BEST SIMULATOR EVER!!!!Q!!!!!!
  20. Imma eat all yo muthaf*ckin' grass...
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