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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. F*ck that. I'm not sending them sh*t unless I'm garunteed to be driver.
  2. Nobody assumed you were. They just pointed out that I was a huge stoner. This has been known since the MTM2 days. And while it is true that I enjoy my cannabis, along with coke, mdma, and Lsd, I have calmed down significantly since getting engaged. Now I really only smoke before I go to sleep, and my fiancé has started joining me because she has found that it helps the alleviate her phantom limb pain. Is this the sign of the apocalypse? Sadly no. I will never stop smoking pot. Ever. Or acid....
  3. The only KK that matters... King Krunch.
  4. Hooray for 72" Terra's Is anybody working on an older style seat? Could use one for the KRK KK
  5. The body of course was donated by John, and the chassis was originally a chop cut rebuild done by me, then redone by kozak... Forgot It even existed untill I went through an old chassis pack of his.
  6. who's working on Penda/TNN era trucks? Cant wait to endo this pig....
  7. so much is wrong here I cant even begin to comprehend it. Kozak... You may now rage.
  8. If they are asking like that, they are either retarded because they can't spell, or they aren't from here and don't does or they know very little English...
  9. You do realize that that is an uncut tire, right? The lugs won't be that big after teams shave them down.
  10. Thank you DF. She looks great. Not sure if its 100% done, but your missing the No Lawsuit stickers Scott put on the chassis following the BF8 fiasco. Kozak you can stfu, you Scott Stephens hating mouth breather You think you could send me that body DF? I have a semi-rep of Scott's TORP chassis and might take a stab at the first rendition of the flag truck. Would love your help on this one. Kozak, Your help would be appreciated as well since my/our chassis has a different cage on it from the actual chassis. contact me on Skype/aim/here if yall are interested. Dennis Taft don't know bout my prt scr...
  11. ROACH YOU GIVE ME THAT RIGHT NOW!!!!!! And I foresee The Toy being made real soon... Diggerfan
  12. Diggerfan I beg you... Please do an autovalue kk
  13. It's the same mold Harlow. Tom just cut the top teeth, eliminating the bottom teeth in front of the front tires
  14. that would be called up-travel Kozak. Max-D is set up so the suspension can almost fully compress, dampening the landing. Trophy Trucks are usually setup with 75% up-travel, 25% down-travel.
  15. Ryan has a point. There really is no need for Hallow to publicly bash Ryan's Content every chance he gets.
  16. Son of Kick- From Here, sick ass beat.
  17. mdemko

    Food Porn

    presentation doesn't matter when your high as f*ck making random mixtures of what's left in the fringe at midnight. Probably should have added bullets....
  18. mdemko

    Food Porn

    HAI GUIZE!!!11!1! I MAIK EDIBLZ!!!!! HOPE U LEIK! amidoinitrite? Home smoked pulled pork with home made bbq sauce and mac & cheese with nugs of sour diesel.
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