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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. You may need a new nut. I would honestly go with a shorter scale.
  2. My gear. Schecter hellraiser C-1 Custom. ESP LTD Deluxe 4 string bass and same guitar. The newest edition.... Peavey Grind 4 BXP NTB 35" scale bass. I like my basses to be neck-through body and have a natural wood finish. Hey mason... How Are you converting that Ibanez to a Piccolo? Thinner strings or are you replacing the neck with a 32" scale neck?
  3. Hey Harlow. If you recolor those sparks, you could also use them for the brakes.
  4. yeah... but your new jersey Italian. That's kinda like buying a fake Rolex and pretending its real.
  5. its a computer model...you could make it fit whatever....
  6. totally wrong. Also, I demand rule34 on Jeff the killer and Slenderman.
  7. Note to all bands. It's sad when the drummer has the most energy.
  8. +2 points for using the exact same face but different eye brows...
  9. And your point is? Whenever I'm stoned, I don't feel much like moving around on stage. Molly on the other hand, I'm all over the place. Drug use in music is really a toss up. It can either help the performance, or hurt it, depending on the type of drug used and how much. For me it also depends on the lype, location, and size of show.
  10. http://youtu.be/jpp6_GwOCJc I MUST MAKE DUBSTEP OF THIS!!!
  11. do yall even know what pasta is?
  12. that thing was an abortion that needed performing, but never happened.
  13. Update it.... When did the screamin Demon name come back?
  14. So huge bumpidy bump, but I think this is actually a good idea.... I would like to see a section of the site dedicated to music. Similar to the section for mods and admins, and the Real Wold Racing section. A place where music enthusiasts can gather and talk about anything music related. Bands, genres, instruments, and music culture. A central station of orgasmic air waves.
  15. I came straight outa Compton...
  16. I admit it. I'm a closet Canadian. Trailor Park Boys is awesome.
  17. Jaguar XKR-S GT 2. Sex on wheels.
  18. It's entertaining to see the newbs pop up like herpes with the same question over and over. My help if your stoned.
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