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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. In that case, I got the biggest dick here
  2. There is a reason a Solid axles are the preferred choice in the offroad world. If this guy tries to land a 20-30ft jump, he will quickly learn why . IMO, the knuckles are undersized, the ball joints are undersized, and the upper A-arms are a complete mess. any sort of hard impact and the uppers are going to crack bend and break.
  3. Why would anybody just give a $100,000 dollar peice of equioment away?
  4. mdemko


    my aunt and uncle live in Orland Park. My grandma in Tinely Park. small world
  5. Total mug shot photo right there. lol.
  6. Slim was better when he was on drugs. Now that he is clean, i think his music has lost some of its luster.
  7. Pretty sure Bob ships over chassis built at midwest 4x4...
  8. Depends... Did you make it or is it klaytons???
  9. That and the fact that flexbodies don't work on line
  10. Fuuu. I was going to call then. You can have your bills or what ever. Lol
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmASWMKCH-c&feature=youtube_gdata_player Primus--the pressman
  12. I hate fox news and everything it stands for. I just hate polotics
  13. Its well known on here that I do. My post is not about pot, so let's not go there. What has Obama done that is worthy of praise? Nothing. He hasn't fufilled a signal promis he made during his compaign. Obama-care is bullpoo. No matter what, when it comes to politics, we are stuck choosing between two piles of poo. We just elect the one that doesn't smell as bad.
  14. W. had sh*tty situations fall apoun him. The debt isnt necisarilly his fault. Politics piss me off too much to bother with them. And untill a candidate address pot and a way to legslize it, I'm not voting. Call me unpatriotic, but I feel those who vote for a guy that gets elect and f*ucks poo up have no room to complain about it. That's what they voted for...
  15. If your not working, there's not much we can do. You might want to consult with a doctor about that : P
  16. Lol at Danica for trying to be like tony. Only a helmet will get your attention better than some dumb bltch standing on the side of the road waving a finger. Why is he still paying for her to f*ck up his equipment????
  17. You need the ogre import/export tool thing. Other than that, no idea
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